Happy New Year! 2012 was one of the toughest, yet also one of the best years so far. We faced some challenges, but we also had so many blessings and had some great times traveling, playing games, and spending time with family and friends. I'm excited to see what 2013 has in store! I pray you all have a blessed 2013, you all are such a blessing to me! And to celebrate, here's my top 12 … Read More
12 Most Popular Posts of 2012

It's that time of year again, we are about to close the book on another year and open up a fresh new chapter. I love the hope and promise that the new year brings. A fresh start and a new year to hopefully reach and maintain the goals that I set for myself! Adam & I do goals instead of resolutions and then we try to go over our goals once a month to see how we are doing. We did pretty … Read More
Merry Christmas!

From my family to yours, I pray you have a fabulous Christmas as you celebrate the birth of our Savior! I'm enjoying my family for a few days, but will return on Thursday with a new recipe. Also, I just have to ask since Adam and I debate this frequently...Does Santa wrap the presents, or set them out open and assembled and ready to play? I say, open and ready to play and Adam insists they … Read More
Foolproof Fudge

You may not remember, but last year I shared with you my epic triple fudge fail. That's right, I tried making fudge three times and every single batch went into the trash. It was not a pretty sight that day at our house. Well a dear sweet reader, Marsha, emailed me the nicest note and gave me her recipe for foolproof fudge. I've been avoiding making fudge all year because I was afraid it … Read More
Moment of Silence
I had something else I was going to post today, but my mind just can't focus. I am completely heartbroken over the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut. I saw some other bloggers doing this and I thought I would join them in asking that as you read this, you take a moment of silence to honor the lives that were lost and to pray for all those effected by this great tragedy. For the parents and … Read More