Candy Corn Fudge

Let me just say that I love candy corn, and didn’t buy any this year because I was afraid I would eat the entire bag. However, I recently saw these on Pennies on a Platter and just couldn’t resist making them for my parents annual rake day for their college ministry. These taste so much like candy corn and they look so cute too! These are a delicious fall treat and great for a get together. Adam couldn’t stay out of them, so I had him take them to work and they were gobbled up very quickly.

Candy Corn Fudge

Original Source: Pillsbury Halloween Magazine, October 2005

1 bag (12 oz) white vanilla baking chips (2 cups), melted
2 cans (16 oz each) vanilla ready-to-spread frosting (I used 2 12oz. cans whipped vanilla frosting and it worked great!)
1 bag (10 oz) butterscotch chips (1 3/4 cups), melted
Yellow food color
Orange food color
1 bag pumpkin cremes

Line 13×9-inch pan with foil; butter foil.
In large bowl, mix melted vanilla baking chips and 1 can of the frosting until well blended.
Spread 1/3 of mixture evenly in pan.
In another large bowl, mix melted butterscotch chips and second can of frosting until well blended. Stire in 1/2-1 teaspoon orange food color until mixture is desired orange color and well blended. Spread orange mixture over white layer in pan.
If remaining 2/3 of white mixture has set up, heat in microwavable bowl in microwave on medium-high for 1 minute until melted and smooth, stirring occasionally.
Stir in 1/4 teaspoon yellow food color until mixture is bright yellow and well blended.
Spread over orange layer in pan.
Refrigerate until firm, about 1 hour.
Use foil to lift fudge from pan.
Turn white side up; peel off foil.
Cut into 8 rows by 6 rows.
Press 1 piece of candy in center of each square.
Store in refrigerator.


  1. What a fun idea!! The fudge looks awesome!

  2. Super cute! Love the colors.

  3. penniesonaplatter says

    Nice job! Glad you liked them!

  4. Thanks for the comment! Your blog looks great too!

  5. katskitchen says

    Those look fun…I love candy corn!

  6. I saw this on a Betty Crocker site but made them with 1/2 can chocolate frosting & 1/2 bag chocolate chips for the first layer; 1 can cherry frosting/10 oz cherry chips for the middle layer and mixed the last half bag/can chocolate with a bit of the reserved cherry mixture and some chopped pecans! Yummy like and old fashioned Cherry Mash Candy bar! And soooo easy. Also works great with peanut butter frosting/chips