Loving Lately

Here’s some things I’ve been loving lately, not an ad or sponsored, just things I personally like.

My bestie introduced me to these Zone perfect bars and I am hooked! Great breakfast & meal replacement with lots of protein. And the price fits much better in my budget than others I’ve used in the past. Plus you can find them at your grocery store instead of online or through a rep so you save on shipping!

Loving these gummy vitamins from Olly, they taste great and are wonderful for people like me who have trouble swallowing big pills. Plus they have no artificial flavors and they have a gummy for practically anything you need. I have seen a real difference in my energy since I switched to these vitamins.Loving these quick, easy and healthy frozen meals! They taste really good and are all natural and fresh tasting! Great to pair with a salad for a healthy & easy meal for nights on the go. Still need a costume for Halloween? Super fun costumes at Target, including this fun wheel of fortune that actually spins & a bowl of cereal


  1. I too have a huge problem swallowing pills, and am interested in your comment that you’ve noticed a definitely upsurge in energy….could you share specifically whch ones you are ratking?

    • I take the women’s multi vitamin & hello sunshine every morning and if I’m having trouble sleeping i take the sleep one at night, helps me get more restful sleep. I just added in the hair & nails beauty one to help my hair grow/thicken. My kids take the immunity one everyday as well

      • thx so much, I’m definitely going to give them a try as I haven’t been taking any vitamins in over a year due to swallowing issues!

  2. yes-healthy choice are my go to for frozen meals!

  3. hI sTEPHANIE, Thanks for the recommendations (especially the frozen meals!) Really appreciate it!! 🙂 mY HUSBAND AND i love THE FUDGE GRAHAM zONE BARS,