I’m Back!

So I just couldn’t stay away forever, my family & I had a wonderful summer and spent some wonderful time with family & framily! Beach trip, pool time (Sophie has learned to swim without her floatie!), zoo and many more memories were made. Sophie is back in pre-school and we are slowly getting back into a school time routine with ballet, etc. Baylor will be 18 months on Monday, which is crazy! He is super fun but super active and giving me a run for my money at the moment, haha. All that to say, While I have enjoyed my blogging break, I have missed you all! So, I thought I would pop in with an update and let you know I have a recipe coming next week, so stay tuned for that! I have prayed & decided that I will still be posting here periodically with recipes, life, and loving lately, but on no set schedule. I will be posting as I’m inspired to get in the kitchen or find things I just have to share, but not pressuring myself, going for quality over quantity. Be sure you are subscribed and follow me on facebook and instagram so you don’t miss anything! Hope you all have a wonderful Labor Day Weekend!


  1. Carol Padgett says

    So glad you are Back. Carol p

  2. Great to see you back!! Enjoyed the pics…my your children are growing!! Great pic of the four of you!! Will be looking forward to the new recipes.

  3. I’m so happy you’re back. Missed you!

  4. Yay!

  5. so Happy to hear it! 🙂

  6. Love your blog! so happy to hear you will still be posting from time to time.