Thank you and an Update

This post is a bit hard to write, but I have something on my heart to share. I am going to take a step back from the blog. This may just be a hiatus or it could be permanent, I just feel God calling me to simplify things in my life. Honestly, while it has been such a joy, having 2 kids plus all the other responsibilities of life has rocked my world a bit, in a good but very challenging way. So with that said, I won’t be regularly posting on here in order to spend more time with my family & friends, and be more present at home. I will leave the site up for a while so you will still have access to all the posts and will let you know in advance if I have plans to take it down. And who knows, I may be back or post from time to time if I have a great recipe or something I want to share, so stay subscribed.

I want you to know what an incredible journey this has been for the past 10 years. I don’t step away lightly, it’s been a decision I’ve wrestled with for a while. I have so enjoyed my time with you all sharing recipes, life and getting to have community. You all have blessed me so much and am so thankful for the friendships the blogging world has brought to me. I will still be regularly posting on Instagram (@macaroni_cheesecake) with food pics, links to recipes & other blogs I love, family updates and possibly my Facebook page, so be sure you follow along there. So it’s not really goodbye, but see you later over on social media.

Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart for following me and supporting me and trying the recipes I’ve posted. Means the world to me! It’s been a wonderful ride these past 10 years and I have learned so much. Leave me a comment with your favorite recipe from the site!


  1. jodi pavlik says

    I have enjoyed your blog for several years. i still use your easy lasagna recipe!! i look forward to following you on other forms of social media!

  2. two kids is so much harder than one! then there’s work and personal time and maybe you want to get some exercise and see friends… It’s almost impossible to do it all and do it well. I would love it if you still did random updates, which I think you’d appreciate down the road looking back. but I totally get where you’re coming from. sometimes something has to give… Good luck finding a better balance.

  3. One of my favorites, (i have many),
    Is the Crock pot chicken nachos. Yum!!
    AnythinG you make is yummy!

  4. Tammy Hunt says

    I have enjoyed reading your blog and the recipes i have tried have all been delicious. One of my FAVORITES was the beef strOganoFf. I understand life gets crazy busy sometimes. Especially when yOu have liTtle ones. When mine were liTittle i thought how do people have time to do things. Enjoy every minute of them you can. You should put your tecipes in a book and sell it

  5. Hi Stephanie, Sounds healthy for you and your family, and a great decision! Totally support you, and THANKS for your awesome blog all these years!!!


  7. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful family and delicious recipes with us. I am so proud of you for putting your family first. Not enough families do that. I wish you nothing but the best. God Bless.

  8. Totally understand-having kids just makes blogging so hard but I’m so glad to have “met” you through blogging and am so happy for how full and happy your life is!

  9. One of my favorite recipes from your site is that amazing apple fritter cake. Yum!!! I’m really going to miss your blog posts, but obviously your family comes first. And I’ll be following along on IG too. 🙂

  10. i completely understand!! i’m glad you’ll still be around on social media though 🙂

  11. Christine says

    I totally understand! My favorite recipe is your lasagna soup. That’s on a regular rotation in our house. 🙂 God bless you and your family! (p.S. not sure why this is in all caps…sorry!)