Meet Our Newest Addition

This is our new little guy that we just got last night. We weren’t intending on getting a dog yesterday. I just happened to go in the pet store, and they were having a sale. I played with him a bit and then Adam met me after work, and he just seemed to be a perfect fit. We’ve been talking about getting a dog for a while now, and said we wanted to get one after we got back from vacation. We didn’t know it would be the day after we got back, but we are super excited.

He is three months old, and doesn’t have a name yet. We are still thinking of naming him Macaroni, but I’m not sure it fits him. We’ve also thrown around Parmesan and Cilantro. I’m trying to think of some other food related names. If you have any ideas, let me know! He did really great his first night. Of course, he cried a bit in his crate, but went to sleep after a bit and we only had to get up twice in the night to take him out. I’m sure this is going to be an adventure!


  1. Stephanie he is so cute! I love the the name macaroni…you can call him mac for short.

  2. mamakrystal says

    He’s adorable, I want to put him in my purse!!!! hahaha, I like macaroni because of the nickname Mac but for other food related names you can totally use Peanut, Pumpkin, Cinnamon, Sugar, Cookie, Pepper. What’s your ultimate fave food…you can call him that?? I can’t wait to hear what you guys decide! xoxo

  3. Morgan Wilder says

    He’s sooo cute! But you KNOW that you CAN’T name him Cilantro! I would have bad feelings about that for the rest of my life!! So great to see you the other day! Love you!

  4. How adorable! I like the idea of Macaroni/Mac for a name, too…very cute. Have fun with your new pup!

  5. so cute!

  6. He is soo cute!!! You are going to love every minute of having him! We love our little toy schnauzer! She is almost 5 and quite the handfull!

  7. He’s so cute! I like the name Macaroni. Some other food possibilities:

  8. Too cute! Cinnamon would be good too maybe!

    By the way, do you get the Hungry Girl email? I saw a pumpkin cheesecake that looked like something you’d make! I can forward it to you if you want!


  10. Thanks for all the suggestions! We are still leaning heavily toward Macaroni but we like cinnamon, biscuit, popcorn. I’ll post the name once we decide for sure.

    Erin-thanks for the tip on the hungry girl e-mails! I just signed up and saw the pumpkin cheesecake recipe. It looks delicious! Thanks for thinking of me!

  11. He’s adorable! When we got our dog (he’s a miniature schoodle) we almost named him alfredo since he’s that color!

    A food name sounds cute. I love Mac and think Ganache would be funny (you could call him Nash for short!)

    I would get him a crate as soon as possible, too- it helps a lot with the house training and gives them a place to call their own. Hope you love it! 🙂