You can see my pink silicone mat underneath these cookies. Adam got me this for Christmas last year and I love it with my whole heart! It makes baking so much easier, plus I don’t feel guilty for using parchment and throwing it away. It’s super easy to clean and easy to store. Cookies, etc. bake great on it as well, cooking evenly. I highly recommend getting one, especially if you make a lot of cookies. Of course, there are other brands, but I love my pink Calphalon!
I love my silicone mats, too, though mine are bright red and not a nice pink. I still use parchment for somethings, though, and you can reuse it until it basically falls apart – unless it’s all yucky, of course!
Found you via the Foodie Blogroll, by the way. My foodblog is ReTorte.
looking at your cookies made me happy because u put fork marks on them! i haven’t done that in such a long time.
Hello, I'm Stephanie...
Welcome! I'm Stephanie, a thirty something girl loving life with my husband Adam and our two little miracles living in gorgeous Southeast Tennessee. I'm passionate about Jesus, traveling, sports (Go Titans!), and of course food! Read more about me HERE.
I want to get one of those!!
I love my silicone mats, too, though mine are bright red and not a nice pink. I still use parchment for somethings, though, and you can reuse it until it basically falls apart – unless it’s all yucky, of course!
Found you via the Foodie Blogroll, by the way. My foodblog is ReTorte.
I definitely need to get one of these! Thanks!
looking at your cookies made me happy because u put fork marks on them! i haven’t done that in such a long time.