Baylor 3 Month Update

I haven’t updated you all on the kids in a while so since I’m a little behind in the cooking & baking department I thought I would share an update with you guys. Our little Baylor bear is 3 Months old today! So hard to believe on the one hand and on the other it seems like he’s been apart of our family for a while. He is such a good baby, so happy and smiley. He is sleeping through the night for the most part (hallelujah) and just transitioned to taking 5 bottles a day.

He loves to lay on his playmat or be in his swing and bat at & grab at the toys. He absolutely loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and is in awe anytime big sister is watching it. He’s starting to coo and squeal and interact with us which is so sweet and fun. He’s holding his head up really good and is almost there with being able to hold it up all the time.

Big Sister Sophie is still so in love with her brother and loves to help out with anything he needs. She had her ballet recital recently and loved being on stage. She did such a great job and truly loves ballet, even the rehearsals.


  1. Your children are absolutely beautiful. Don’t concern yourself with cooking, baking or blogging. These little bundles won’t be small forEver. Enjoy them. Take this from a Mom whos’ “children” are 42 and 37. It goes to fast.

  2. Your chidren are precious!! Can totally understand getting behind. Don’t worry..just keep sharing these adorable pictures. They grow up WAY too fast1 Enjoy these years!! Time flies….we will be celebrating our son’s 46th Birthday next weekend.

  3. aww, they are both ADORABLE!