White Christmas Haystacks

These little treats may look unassuming, but trust me when I say that these White Christmas Haystacks are amazingly addictive! Perfectly salty & sweet and seem to melt in your mouth. These are great to give away as gifts or take to a holiday party. Plus, they are super easy and don’t require any baking! Customize them with any color of sprinkles for a treat throughout the year.

White Christmas Haystacks
Source: Lemon Tree Dwelling

3 1/2 cups chow mein noodles
2 1/2 cups unsalted peanuts
24 oz. almond bark or white candy melts
Sprinkles (non-pareils preferred)

Spread out sheets of wax paper on the counter.

In a large bowl, add the chow mien noodles & peanuts and stir to incorporate.

In a microwave safe bowl, add almond bark. Heat in microwave in 20 second increments, stirring in between each, until melted and completely smooth.

Pour melted almond bark over chow mein noodle mix and stir to fully coat. Drop mixture by spoonfuls on prepared wax paper. Top each haystack with sprinkles. Allow to cool and set completely. Peel off wax papered store in an airtight container.



  1. cute cute cute! And look yummy!

  2. Patricia Sheridan says

    These look delicious!