Christmas Fun


Hope you all are having a fun filled Christmas season so far! We’ve been celebrating since mid-November haha! We had a wonderful Thanksgiving, watching the parade and wonderful time with family. Friday we went Black Friday Shopping and had lots of fun and found lots of great deals before heading to our second Thanksgiving celebration. We also decorated our Christmas tree really early in early November, which I love because we can enjoy it longer. Do you have your tree up yet?


While I was decorating for Christmas, I realized I had some empty spots to fill and had seen some Christmas carol subway art that I loved. However, I couldn’t find any that had the colors that I wanted so I created one myself. Feel free to right click and save to use yourself! Should print up to 8×10.


We made these cute Santa Hat Ornaments I found on several different places online and love how they turned out. Sophie had a blast painting them and helping glue on the pom-poms.


Sophie has made a vast improvement with Santa this year. She loves him and wants to meet him any opportunity she can. I think she’s literally met him 5 times now, haha!!


We had lots of fun in Dollywood the weekend before Thanksgiving to kick off our holiday celebrations! Please keep this beautiful area of Gatlinburg & Pigeon Forge in your prayers as they have lost so much due to wildfires. Dolly Parton has started a fund to help those that have lost their homes and you can donate here.


  1. awww so much holiday fun and cuteness!!!

  2. Those ornaments are so cute! I’ll have to tell my daughter about these..
    fun project for her two boys ages 3 & 7. Her three year old was so excited and wanted to see santa…UNTIL they got close to him and jay decided not so much and hide behind mommy. thanks for sharing the pictures. Goodness Sophie is growing up fast! My prayers ARE with the people in the wild fire area. I’ll check out Dolly’s site. (could you tell me the site you got the ideas for the ornaments. thanKS!