Gender Reveal Party {Baby #2}


Since we did a gender reveal party with Sophie, we didn’t want to leave this baby out, haha. Our theme was “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, How we wonder what you are.” The party was so much fun and we are so thankful our family and friends could be there to celebrate the new baby with us!


So without further adieu…..


It’s a Boy!! We were shocked & surprised (but excited) when we found out it was a boy, I thought it was a girl with the symptoms I was having that were so similar to my pregnancy with Sophie. Adam & I had the dr. office put the gender in an envelope and then we opened it together several days before the party so we could get everything planned and so everyone else could be completely surprised.


Here are some of the party details:


I made the star banner and found the “Twinkle, Twinkle” poster on Etsty. And then just added in pink & blue plates, straws & balloons. For activities, we had everyone guess what they thought the gender was with a pink or blue star on the board and then also pick their favorite boy & girl names from our lists.


I went for easy on the food for the party and forgot to get a picture of the spread. We served chicken salad with croissants from a local favorite restaurant. For sides we had fruit, & I made pasta salad, my mom made baked beans and my mother-in-law made potato salad. I also got cupcakes from Publix & thumbprint cookies from a local bakery, which were both fabulous! For beverages, we had pink lemonade and blue hawaiian punch mixed with lemonade.


  1. such a fun party! and YAYYYY CONGRATS!! How perfect, now you’ll have a little girl and a little boy 🙂 So sweet!

  2. Yay! First off CONGRATULATIONS!! I’m so excited for you guys! One Boy and one girl!! Perfect combo. Hugs!!

  3. What a fun party that must have been. A baby boy….that’s wonderful…kinda thought you’d tell us it WAS a boy! How nice to have one of each. Congratulations! What name have you decided on?
    What name have you decided on?

  4. Adorable!! congratulations!!!!

  5. Such cute decorations!! CONGRATULATIONS on having a boy!!!

  6. awww, yay! congrats! little boys are so fun!

  7. Congratulations!!!