Christmas Fun 2015

Christmas Morning

We had a fabulous Christmas! Sophie was so in to Christmas this year. If you ask her why we celebrate Christmas she will say “Jesus Birthday!” She loved her kitchen she got on Christmas morning and it was so fun to see her discover all her presents. (Santa doesn’t wrap at our house). She was most excited that Santa brought her the Suckers she asked for! If anyone asks her what she got for Christmas, her 1st answer is “Suckers!” So funny! She is also quite obsessed with Rudolph and loves rocking her “Rudolph & Clarice” pajamas!

What was your favorite part of Christmas this year?

christmas crafts

Throughout December we did a few Christmas Crafts. Top left are Christmas Tree Rice Krispy Treats, which were so fun to decorate! And then we made a birthday cake for Jesus and sang Happy Birthday to Him on Christmas. And bottom right is a Christmas tree ornament we made for all the grandparents. And last were these handprint crafts we made on Christmas Eve (got the ideas when we were at Dollywood).

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was equally as fun as Christmas Day! We made crafts, baked the Jesus Birthday Cake and watched The Santa Clause and had popcorn for lunch. Then we went to our family friendly church Christmas Eve service where they used glow sticks instead of candlelight which was neat. The service was great and definitely helped us get in the right mode and celebrate the real reason for the season.


More fun on Christmas Eve at Adam’s parents house, Sophie was in love with her golf set! Move over Tiger & Rory there’s a new golfer on the scene! Haha!


  1. awwww she’s at such a fun age!!! It looks like an AMAZING christmas season!! I love her lil mini kitchen set–and how excited she was by suckers! lol

  2. glad you had a fun christmas!

  3. Sounds like the perfect christmas! Sophie is at that fun age; children add a whole new dimension to the holidays! What a great christmas present for
    Sophie…that kitchen set. Santas presents were always wrapped at our house
    but my daughter leaves them unwrapped….set up and ready to play with.
    I like that!! My favorite part of Christmas was being able to spend it with
    both of my children and their children…our very special grandsons! (7, 5 and almost 3) It’s neat to have christmas traditions…like you doing the christmas
    crafts and making Jesus birthday cake. Those memories will be cherished.
    Wishing you the very best in this new year!

  4. Thanks for sharing your Chrismtas joys, Stephanie!… Great pics–you all are so cute!!