Merry Christmas

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Merry Christmas from our family to yours! May you feel the love of our Savior today & everyday! I can’t physically send you all a Christmas card but I can send it to you here! And apparently we sent too many warm wishes here in TN because it’s so hot here right now you’d think we lived in the tropics! No White Christmas here unfortunately!

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Here’s some Christmas Fun: Pick an question and answer in the comments!

1. Eggnog or Hot Chocolate? Hot Chocolate all the way, with marshmallows!
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Set out & ready to play (though Adam disagrees)
3. Colored lights on tree or white? white on the tree but we have colored outside
4. When do you hang your decorations up? Weekend before Thanksgiving
5. What is your favorite Christmas dish (not dessert)? Christmas Monkey Bread
6. What is on your Christmas wish list? Fleece jacket, touch screen gloves, Hallmark Christmas movie DVDs
7. Snow-love it or dread it? LOVE!!!
8. Real tree or Fake tree? Love real but have fake at our house, easier to maintain
9. What’s the most important thing about Christmas for you? Celebrating Jesus’ birth with family & friends
10. What’s your favorite Christmas dessert? White Christmas Trail Mix , Townhouse Crackers/Peanut Butter dipped in White Chocolate
11. What is your favorite Christmas tradition? Waking Sophie singing Happy Birthday to Jesus & driving to look at Christmas lights with hot chocolate
12. What tops your tree? A Snowflake
13. What’s your favorite Christmas song? Tender Tennessee Christmas, Sophie’s is “Holly Jolly Christmas”
14. Favorite Christmas movie? Elf & White Christmas & Christmas with the Kranks


    To answer a few questions…I LOVE SNOW ( but none here this year…it was in the 40’s today) Christmas movie… It’s a Wonderful LiFE with WHITE CHrISTMAS close second. I love hot chocolate this time of year and of course Lots of marshmellows

  2. White lights on our artificial tree, althouGh the kids would lIke colored!

  3. Merry Christmas! I love your Christmas photos! It looks like Sophie enjoyed the photo session as much as you did!