Sophie Turns Two!

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For Sophie’s 2nd Birthday we had a Mickey Clubhouse Party, per her request! It was so much fun! We had it at a local playground with our family and dear friends! It was so fun to watch all the kids play together! And as you can tell I had tons of fun with the theme!

Sophie's 2nd Birthday Party

Sophie is getting to be such a big girl! She talks non-stop with full sentences and loves to sing songs over & over again! 😉 She loves to play tea party & is still in love with princesses & Mickey & Minnie. She’s developed a recent love for Toy Story also. She is super active and has a fun adventurous personality with almost no fear! Keeps me on my toes for sure, haha!

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Here’s some of the details on the party: I made the Mickey Topiaries using styrofoam balls and I attached the small ones to the big one using toothpicks & hot glue. Then put hot glue on the end of a skewer and stuck it through the big one. I also hot glued the bottom of the skewer & stuck it into a flat round styrofoam disk so that they would stand up.  Adam then spray painted them for me. Once dry I tied the bows and hot glued them on as well. I found the black buckets at Target & made the red “pants’ out of card stock. A little time consuming, but not hard and so fun!

I made the Mickey Banner above the table using this tutorial. Just printed an outline of a Mickey head and cut them out by hand, punched holes and strung them with twine. Super easy!

I found the “Say Cheers” free Subway Print here. And my friend Jessica made the cake for me! The plates & napkins I found at Hobby Lobby as well as the little chalkboard that I colored with Chalk Markers.

We had a separate table for the food and just did Hawaiian Rolls with turkey & cheese, chips, fruit, chicken salad croissants, & Cake Batter M&M Popcorn. Plus water & juice pouches for the kids. I went super easy on this one!


Here are her invites that I ordered on Etsy (I blurred out my phone # haha). They were super easy to work with and got them to me super quickly.


  1. seriously THE CUTEST!!!! omgeee what an adorable party and I cannot believe that Sophie is already 2!

  2. super cute! you guys are lucky with the timing of her birthday that you can take advantage of nice weather and have the party outside. Love the topiaries.

  3. She is adorable, and the party is awesome!

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOPHIE! Gosh, where did the time go!
    Can’t believe she is two already! She is soo adorable!
    Party must have been so much fun.