Thanks for “Liking” me Giveaway!

I am so blown away by all of you wonderful readers! My Facebook page has reached 500 likes and I am so overwhelmed by your support!! To thank you all for being so awesome, I thought I would do a giveway as a token of my appreciation.  I love to treat myself but that isn’t always in the budget, so I love it when I get gift cards to get a little something for myself, so I thought you all might like that too.

Here’s the details:

I’m giving away a $25 gift card to either Starbucks, I-Tunes, or Target (winner gets to choose) if you live in the U.S., or if you are one of my international readers your gift card will be to sent to you via email.  All you have to do is leave a comment stating what your favorite fall treat is.  To get an additional entry to the giveaway, simply go to my facebook page and like it and then come back here and leave a second comment stating that you liked me on facebook.  (I forgot to mention if you already like me on facebook then you also get a second entry!) You have until Friday night at midnight, eastern time to enter.  I will announce the winner here on the blog on Monday. Good Luck!! (**The Giveaway is now closed. I will reveal the winner Monday!**) And just as a disclaimer this giveaway is funded by me, I am not affiliated with any of these companies or receiving compensation from any of them.

Image Sources: herehere, & here


  1. My favorite fall food is pumpkin bread

  2. I liked you on fb too

  3. My favorite fall food is chili!

  4. I like you on Facebook

  5. I liked you a long time ago 🙂

  6. My favorite fall treat is my mom’s pumpkin bread. Although it’s delicious piping hot out of the oven, I actually prefer it chilled because it’s extra doughy and you can really taste the pumpkin spices. I’m a weirdo who prefers basically everything cold, including mac ‘n cheese!

  7. Congrats on the wonderful milestone! My fave fall treat is pumpkin spice lattes!! Nothing says fall to me than a cup of pumpkin love!

  8. I’ve liked you on FB ages ago my sista!!!

  9. Anything Pumpkin is my Favorite treat!!!!

  10. My favorite is Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies! YUM!

  11. Apple Cider Doughnuts are my favorite fall treat:)

  12. I “like” you on fb:)

  13. So exciting! Congrats on your 500+ fans!

  14. My favorite is pumpkin pie.

  15. I like you on facebook.

  16. My favorite fall food is soup! Beef/Mushroom barley or chili!

  17. I love pumpkin rolls at this time of year! I could eat a whole thing by myself!

  18. Hot apple cider is my favorite, hands down! I somehow didn’t have any last year, but I’ve more than made up for it this year!!

  19. Carrie C. In VA says

    Pumpkin bread!

  20. I just ‘liked’ you on Facebook…I’m new to FB (I know, crazy, right?), but would have totally ‘liked’ you a long time ago if I had had FB then!

  21. My favorite fall treat is a tough one.. a tie between anything pumpkin (pie, cheesecake, latte) and chili. I love cooking up a big pot of chili on the first fall-like Sunday with football 🙂

  22. My favorite fall treat is PUMPKIN PUMPKIN PUMPKIN!!! Anything with pumpkin I think is just delicious! Why cant pumpkins be around all year long???

  23. p.s. I liked you on facebook! Keep up the blog I love visiting it each day 🙂

  24. My favorite fall treat is an apple cider donut!

  25. Also – I liked you on facebook! 🙂

  26. i LOVE pumpkin bars! mmmm!

  27. I liked you on FB too! 🙂

  28. I liked you!

  29. My favorite fall treat is pumpkin cupcakes with spiced cream cheese frosting! YUM!

  30. Oh and duh. I love Pumpkin Spice Lattes.

  31. Kellie Rickard says

    My favorite Fall treat is pumpkin pie. Its the only time of year we eat it and I love it with a big dallop of cool whip on top!

  32. my favorite fall treat is snuggling up with some hot chocolate by the fire with my husband.

  33. Sara Ziegler says

    Loved your apple whoopie pies! And I added caramel flavoring to the filling for a fun twist!

  34. My favorite fall treat is my mother’s beef vegetable stew — so delicious and comforting served with cornbread!

  35. Favorite fall treat would be pumpkin flavored anything, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin pie, pumpkin latte, pumpkin milkshakes. MMMM so good.

  36. I like your facebook too 🙂

  37. My fav fall treat is apple pie! yum!

  38. I liked you on fb too!

  39. My favorite fall treat is my mom’s chocolate chip pumpkin bread! It is delicious and had delicious memories that come with it as well!

  40. I love anything pumpkin in the fall.

  41. My favorite fall treat to make for years has been pumpkin cupcakes with maple buttercream-I even did some for a friend’s October wedding a couple years ago and they were a hit! They are now very closely tied with your Apple Whoopie pies with Cinnamon Cream Cheese buttercream! I was just coming back to get the recipe to make them again!

  42. And I ‘like’ you on Facebook.

  43. Just “liked” you on Facebook

  44. Hot chocolate is a cooler weather treat!

  45. Pumpkin spice lattes and apple cider are my favorite fall treats. 🙂

  46. Anything pumpkin ALWAYS wins with me. 🙂

  47. My favorite fall treat is making crock pot Brunswick Stew with a side of honey cornbread. SO GOOD!!!!

  48. I have “liked” you on Facebook! Confrats on hitting the big mile marker 🙂

  49. I love pumpkin pie! 🙂

  50. I like you on Facebook. (Deanna Cali)

  51. Pumpkin anything. Pumpkin bread. Pumpkin pie. Pumpkin cookies. Pumpkin butter…well, you get the idea! 🙂

  52. Apple crisp.
    Pumpkin muffins/bread/roll.

  53. Congrats on 500+! My favorite fall treat is a cider slush from the cider mill.

  54. I’m a FB fan too =)

  55. My favorite fall treat is pumpkin whoopie pies.

  56. I liked your Facebook page

  57. Jennifer T says

    Favorite fall treat is caramel apple spice from SB!!

  58. Jennifer T says

    I like you on FB!

  59. Pumpkin bars! (I also already “like” you on facebook:))

  60. I made white chocolate pumpkin blondies recently and they were soooo good! They’re my current favorite 🙂

  61. I love pumpkin pie!

  62. Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies!!

  63. Facebook Like!

  64. Anything pumpkin!

  65. I like you on FB.

  66. Pumpkin anything! For real…I’m turning orange!

  67. I’m a traditionalist, so I have to say pumpkin pie!

  68. Liked you on Facebook as well. Thanks!

  69. Tracie Trump says

    Definitely carmel apples!

  70. Tracie Trump says

    Like you on FB!

  71. Oh I know this goes against a good cook’s nature but my fave fall snack is dry roasted peanuts and candy corn! It’s just so stinking addictive! Nom Nom Nom

  72. I have been following your FB page for a long time. I also follow your boards on Pinterest and have pinned and re-pinned you many times. I guess I could be considered a M&C stalker! LOL Thanks for the great recipes.

  73. Congratulations on the milestone Steph!! Oh… Hard to choose… I love soups in the fall but also love Rotel and chips on a cool fall evening 🙂

  74. Pumpkin anything!

  75. My favorite fall treat would have to be pumpkin spice coffee and pumpkin cinnamon rolls. Delish!

  76. I liked you on FB. What a great giveaway!

  77. My favorite fall treat is hot spiced apple cider with a warm apple cider donut.

  78. I just liked you on FB last week 🙂

  79. my favorite fall treat is a pumpkin spice latte!

  80. My favorite Fall treat is Pumpkin Apple Cranberry Baked Oatmeal!

  81. and I like you on Facebook!

  82. Favorite Fall treat: baked acorn squash with maple glaze

  83. Pumpkin pie milk shakes!!

  84. Heather Raymond says

    Who wouldn’t LOVE a Caramel Apple Martini during a nice Fall Night… Or Day 🙂

  85. I adore chili of any kind and for a treat can not get enough of pumpkin cake with cream cheese frosting!

  86. My favorite fall treat is pumpkin rolls. I made them for the first time last Fall, and fell in love! They are so good and pretty easy to make! 🙂

  87. My favorite has to be hot apple cider – especially with the new K-cups apple cider – yum!

  88. Hot Apple Cider ( :

  89. I love Halloween candy!

  90. I also liked you on fb!

  91. My favorite fall treat is a pumpkin roll! Yuuuummmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  92. I am a Facebook fan!!!!!!! 😀

  93. La cuisinière says

    My favourite fall treat is warm homemade apple cake, yummy! 🙂

  94. pumpkin pie for sure~!

  95. I liked your facebook page and I love love love your website!!! I am a little jealous of you!

  96. Alie Rodriguez says

    I like you on Facebook! Those Mexican Black Beans look awesome. YUM!!! 🙂

  97. Applesauce with fresh-from-the-orchard apples!

  98. I liked you on Facebook. 🙂

  99. pumpkin cheesecake. pumpkin anything really haha

  100. I love pumpkin anything in the fall but my fave right now is pumpkin pie dip!

  101. I like you on Facebook!

  102. Pumpkin Cupcakes!

  103. I LOVE pumpkin ice cream that is only served during the fall months at a nearby apple orchard. To die for!

  104. I “like” you already on Facebook. 🙂

    Ashley Thurm

  105. Each year I make a French Apple Cake with apples we pick at the local orchard. Yum!

  106. My favorite fall treat is a fire in the fireplace, hot chocolate, and a good magazine!

  107. “Liked” you on facebook, and entering again here! I love your blog! 🙂

  108. My favorite fall treat is definately pumpkin muffins. I could eat them everyday and not get tired of em!

  109. I just liked you on FB too btw! 🙂

  110. my favorite fall treat is pumpkin chocolate chip bread.

  111. and I liked you on FB! 🙂