What I’m Loving Lately

Hope you all are having a great week! I know I’m always on the lookout for great new products and  I thought it would be fun to share a few things that I am loving lately. Do you have a fun new item I need to try? Also, scroll to the bottom as I share some of my heart.


elf Super Glossy Lip Shine: My Sister-in-Law got me a couple of these for Christmas and I love them! They are super moisturizing and have a nice hint of color and stay on really well. Plus they taste good too, haha! 😉


selfie snap

This iSnapx Remote Control Selfie Snap! Adam got it for me for Christmas since all our pictures always look the same, so now we can take pictures and actually have things in the background! It’s super simple to use and all you have to do is download the app (it’s free with the purchase of the remote) and then take your selfie picture within the app. It automatically saves the picture to your camera roll too.

fiber one

These Fiber One Cookies are really good warmed up for about 10 seconds. They are soft, chocolatey and a healthier treat!

So Long Insecurity

So Long Insecurity book by Beth Moore. Insecurity is something I’ve struggled with on and off throughout my life. I thought I had it conquered but it came back a bit this past month and God led me to this book and it has helped me so so much! It points you toward God and scripture to allow Him to heal you completely and defeat the lies of the enemy once & for all! I know that I am secure in Jesus and He loves me and that’s really all that matters. God created me just the way I am and wants me (& all of us) to walk in freedom & faith, not fear. If you’ve ever struggled with Insecurity even in a small form, please read this book. It is challenging because it points you toward dealing with deep things but oh the freedom to be found!!

“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” ~Hebrews 6:19

Disclaimer: These items were all either gifted to me by family or purchased myself. There are affiliate links included, however all opinions are my own.


  1. Remote shutters make everything easier! I bought one from Photojojo earlier this year to make taking my outfit of the day snapshots easier. Love it! I just set my iPhone up on a tripod, pose, and snap! It makes my man happy, too, since I no longer bother him to take my photo every morning! 😉

    In a Nutshell..

  2. I’m loving what you are loving!! Beth moore is one of my favorite authors!!! I am loving Fiber One cookies too!! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  3. i love beth moore too! i’ll have to read that book 🙂

  4. Steph–I love this post. Thanks for sharing what God is doing in your life. Ps: I just made your enchilada lasagna rollups plus cilantro lime rice for lunch for a friend.. delicious! and so fun to make!