Visit with friends & the mennanites

Recently we went to visit our friends Pete, Tracy & Titus. We had such a great time with them! They have a new house and it is so cute. Titus has gotten so big and is super smart. He would bring me a book to read him and then Tracy would tell him to go put it back in his room, and he put it right back where it belonged! I was way impressed. Pete & Tracy took us to visit the Mennanite community near where they live. It was so neat. They had a grocery store with all homemade products (wheat, baking mixes, jams, etc.), a leather store, a furniture store, and a general store of sorts. At the general type store called the Front Porch, I had the best homemade peanut butter ice cream! It was so decadent and amazingly delicious! What a treat! We also went to this great mexican restaurant. We really enjoyed seeing their new home and their church and getting to meet some of their friends. It was a great, relaxing weekend! Thanks for a great time Pete, Tracy, & Titus! We can’t wait to come back!!