Sophie 6 Months

Sophie 6 Months

I thought since Sophie is now 6 1/2 months that it was time for an update. She is doing great! She’s rolling over and sitting up almost all by herself.  We still put the Boppy around her most of the time to prevent any falls but she isn’t near as wobbly as she was. She’s starting to say consonants and has said Mama & Dada a couple times. If you ask here Where’s Mommy or Daddy she looks all around until she finds us. She hates wearing socks or shoes and kicks her feet together until she gets them off. She loves to hold toys in her hands and wave them around and drop them.  Her reflux is still there but the spitting up is so much better than it was. It’s getting harder and harder to get good pictures of her by myself. She needs someone singing to her or getting her attention to look at the camera. The two pictures above were pretty much the only 2 good ones out of about 50 I took haha!

Sophie 6 Months.1

She is loving baby food. Peas & Pears are her favorite. The only things that didn’t sit well were green beans and peaches so we are taking a break from those and will try them again soon. She’s still petite for her age at around 14 lbs. and just over 24 inches long so the dr. has us go ahead and feed her rice cereal for breakfast and baby food for lunch & dinner, which she doesn’t mind one bit! I have been making most all of her baby food so far and she seems to enjoy the kind I made versus the store bought better. I think maybe because mine are a tad thicker and have some texture to them while the store bought variety she’s eaten so far are very liquidy. She went to the park for the first time a few weeks ago and I took her down the slide and Adam helped her swing for just a few times since she’s still too small for it.  She loved it though!

Sophie Easter

We had such a great time for her first Easter! Some of our friends got together and we had an egg hunt for the kids and we actually went to church on Saturday evening, which was nice to not have to get up and ready so early on Sunday. Sophie went in service with us and loved all the music and then fell asleep about half way through.  She loved all her goodies from the Easter bunny. He brought her a soft book & a rattle.  She absolutely loves the book! I attached it to some rings on her car seat and she plays with it all the time.


  1. awwwwwwww! dying over how cute she is!

  2. Char Riippi says

    What adorable pics! She must bring you such joy!
    All these “firsts” accomplishments…isn’t it neat!?

  3. Crystal says

    Precious!!! What a blessing 🙂

  4. She is so cute and has grown so much! She looks like a happy girl!