My Favorite Baby Must-Haves 0-3 Months

I thought I would share with you my favorite baby products from the 1st three months of Sophie’s life.  I found these posts extremely helpful when I was trying to figure out what to register for and it’s great to get gift ideas as well!

baby must haves 0-3

1. Lamaze Jaques the Peacock: When I first got this I thought it would be too big, but Sophie loves for us to hold it in front of her. I love all the colors & different textures and the back of it is black & white.  It’s really great for stimulating the baby’s senses!

2. Skip Hop Treetop Friends Activity Gym: This has been such a big hit! I love that this comes with a little pillow, especially helps out because of Sophie’s reflux and it’s good for tummy time.  She loves looking at the birdies and trying to bat at them & kick them. And several of the toys make noise if you hit them too.

3. Boon Grass Bottle Drying Rack: This is great for drying bottles and since we are doing formula we wash lots of bottles everyday! I love that you can stick all the parts down in there and they stand upright for the water to drain out. This is easy to take apart and clean itself as well.

4. The Going to Bed Book: This book is so cute & fun!

5. SoundSpa Lullaby Sound Machine: We got two of these and decided to put one in our room as well and now I can’t sleep without it!! We set it on the ocean setting & I love, love, love it! For the babies it also has a projector with pictures that circle around that give the room a nice glow, especially helpful to see when you go into check on them. 

6. Aden + Anais Burpy Bib: I love that this is a burp cloth and a bib in one! You can snap it around their neck and it is really absorbent for cleaning up spit-up.  I actually need to order a couple more of these!

7. Rock ‘n Play Sleeper: This has been probably my favorite thing.  Sophie loves sleeping in it and I love how portable it is! The first few weeks she slept in it in our room and we kept it in the living room during the day for naps. And now she sleeps in it in her room, though we are trying to transition to the crib.  We’ve also taken it on trips and when her grandparents keep her. It’s so nice because it folds up and doesn’t take up much room.

8. Discover ‘n Grow SpaceSaver Swing & Seat: This has been a life saver! When nothing else would soothe Sophie, especially the first few weeks, in came this swing to the rescue! Now that she’s a little older she loves sitting in it to play, which is helpful for when Mommy is cooking dinner or working around the house. I also hang a couple of other toys from it that she can reach better.  I love that it both swings and vibrates and you can lock the seat to make it stationary if you need to.  The best thing about it is that it doesn’t take up much room and it’s easy to put it in the car and take it on trips or to the grandparents as well.


  1. looove all of this! Pinning for someday 🙂

  2. I am due with baby #3 in May. And even thought this is #3 I’m still thinking of things I need (or need to dig out). I’ve heard these rock-n-Plays are all the rage! I’m hoping to borrow one from a friend.