Blog Makeover

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So you may have noticed that my blog got a big makeover if you visited my site over the weekend, but I wanted to officially launch my new site design today! Even my avatar got a new look! The wonderful Emily of Emily White Designs did such a fabulous job with everything!!! I told her a few basic things I wanted to do and she took it and ran with it and created a fresh, more user friendly design that I am just in love with!! She was so sweet and easy to work with and did everything so quickly! Plus she was super helpful and answered all my questions, which I had a lot because I am not tech savvy in the least!! I highly highly recommend her if you are looking for a web designer!! And she also made me new business cards too that I’m super stoked about!

So I want to show you around and let you know what some of the new features are.  As you will see in the picture above, there is a box at the top right of the page where you can enter your email to subscribe so you never miss a post. There is also a search box so that you can search for anything on my site.  The navigation menu is virtually the same, except now on Savory Eats and Delicious Treats there are drop down menus with different categories to choose from.  Also, there is a new contact tab where you can easily send me an email if you have a question. 

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Next is one of my favorite new things on the site.  When you go to either Savory Eats or Delicious Treats and choose the desired category, there is a brand new photo thumbnail index! Just click on the one you want and it will take you directly to that post.  And it updates automatically with each post, so it won’t be months before it’s updated anymore!

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Now back to the home page, right below the navigational menu bar, on the left is a slider of some of the recipes I’m featuring.  If you click on one of the pictures, it will take you to that post.  On the right, is a profile with a little about myself and right below are my social media buttons so we can stay connected on a more personal level. I’d love for you to follow me!

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And below the main slider is my most recent post, and then excerpts from my other posts underneath.  If you click on read more underneath these, it will take you to the individual post so you can see the recipe and rest of the pictures.  I know some of you might not like the excerpt view, but it allows me to get more of the posts on the main page and make things look more streamlined.

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Once you go to the individual post, if you scroll to the bottom, you have a print friendly button, save recipe button that allows you to save recipes to ZipList, Pin It Button, and then buttons to share this post on different social media sites.  You will also see links to other posts on my site that are similar to the one you are on.

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Now to the rest of the sidebar, I have another slider of a specific category of recipes that I’m featuring. Right now it’s appetizers since football season is upon us! Then I still have the popular posts and drop down menus to search categories and archives.

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 At the bottom of the page are options to connect again with social media, email subscription and search box so you don’t have to scroll back to the top.

I think that’s it, take a look around and let me know what you think!



  2. Your site looks fantastic! And an auto-updating thumbnail index?! How cool is that?!

  3. I love it! So user-friendly & well organized.

  4. looks so cute!

  5. I love the new design, it looks great! I love the recipe index especially – how did you do it?! I’d love to have an auto-updating one with pictures, that’s EXACTLY what I’ve been looking for but I have no idea how to do it! Any tips?

  6. I love it! It looks fabulous 🙂

  7. I love your new design! It is so fresh and clean and beautiful!!!

  8. Love the new design! My blog is getting an update too….I can’t wait for it to be finished! 🙂

  9. Oh wow, it looks awesome!! you really didn’t need it, but i’m super jelly of all the cool new features!!

  10. Love the new look! it looks super duper nice! I always loved how we had the same pink striped background on our blogs though! haha, oh well, your’s is still one of my favs to read!

  11. woopsy on the ‘ in yours- my pinky hit it by accident!