So Friday I was running a tad late for my aerobics class at the YMCA. I saw a parking space that was a little tight, but decided to pull in anyway. Two seconds later, CRUNCH! Yep, I hit a parked car. I pulled in and got out to check the damage. The other car was barely scratched…but mine.,..my bumper was a bit dented and the head light cover scratched…gonna need a new one of those. So, not knowing what to do if you hit a car and the other person isn’t there, I thought I would enlighten others that may not know either with what to do if this situation ever happens to you.
Here’s what you need to do:

  • Leave a note on the person’s car with your name, address, phone number, make & model of your car, insurance claims phone number, and policy number….oh and sincerely apologize:)
  • Call your insurance company and file the claim
  • In the note to the person, let them know to call your insurance *that’s why you leave the policy #, etc.* and give them their info
  • No need to call the police if it’s on private property (i.e. a shopping center)
  • Your insurance will call you back with a list of collision centers to choose from
  • Get an estimate on the damage and schedule your maintenance.
  • Get your car fixed (Praise the Lord that our insurance provides us with a rental car while ours is in the shop!!)

So, hopefully this won’t happen to you…but I wanted to share my experience in case it might help someday. By the way, the lady I hit called me that afternoon and was super nice. She said,”Oh, these things happen, it’s no big deal.” What an answer to prayer!:)


  1. Tracy Bisbee says

    It always helps when you hit a nice person!! I’m glad everything worked out.