The Big Move

I finally did it! Macaroni and Cheesecake is now it’s own .com! We have made the big move to a self hosted site, so please update your google readers and favorites tabs to  I hope you will all make this move with us! Pack your bags and join us on this adventure! You’ll notice a couple of new things, including buttons to link to the facebook page, rss feed, and to email me in the top right corner.  I also rolled with a two column layout which I am still playing around with.  The Blog Fairy was a HUGE help in making this transition seamless and she also jazzed up my header a bit as well.  Let me know what you think! Everything from before will still remain on the old site for the time being but no new content will be added there, just on this site.  In other news…

I just got back from vacation which was glorious! We were planning to go to Hilton Head & Savannah but with not knowing where and how hard Irene was going to hit, we were able to switch gears (Praise the Lord!) and ended up going to Florida instead! The weather was absolutely glorious plus we got to eat at the Donut Hole! Bonus!! They had an amazing Apple Spice Donut that tasted like everything you would imagine! Soft and pillowy donut that tasted like apple pie inside! It’s the kind of treat you dream about and can’t wait to go back for next year!


  1. Steph– I read your blog often and love to try making the recipes.. made me oatmeal cream pie cookies the other day for youth.. it was a hit.. then went to the flip burger restaraunt this weekened based on your rave. Love ya friend.. hope you are doing great!

    • Thank you so much!! That means so much to me! I’m so glad you enjoyed the oatmeal cream pies! We need to have a girls baking party soon with Shawna, Michelle & Cheese!:) Love ya!

  2. Woot woot!! Congrats on the big move!!

  3. Looks great! Congrats!

  4. Thank You so much!

  5. Have you been to Hilton Head & Savannah before?? They are my 2 all-time favorite places!