Strawberry Limeades

Raise your hand if you love Sonic’s Cherry Limeades?!?! I do!! They are the best thing to quench a thirst after a long day laying out in the sun!:) These are a great addition to any party and your guests will love them! I opted to make Strawberry instead of Cherry because I love strawberries more and they were so delicious!! Head over to Cookin’ Cowgirl for how to make this into popsicles!!
Homemade Strawberry Limeade
Source: adapted from Cookin’ Cowgirl


Juice of 4 Limes (approx. 1/2 cup)
3/4 cup fresh strawberries, hulled
3-4 tbsp. grenadine
2 liter bottle lemon lime soda (I used sprite zero)
Lime zest, optional

Cut tops off of strawberries and cut each berry in half, then add to food processor or blender until chopped very fine. Add chopped strawberries & 3 tbsp. grenadine to a large pitcher, stir to combine. Taste with a small spoon, add another tbsp. grenadine if necessary. Add in lime juice, then the soda. Stir to combine.


  1. I LOVE Sonic limeades, both cherry and strawberry! Thanks for sharing the recipe! 🙂

  2. Cookin' Cowgirl says

    Yum! Last night my hair lady was telling me that she always gets the Cranberry Limeades from Sonic. She said they are super tart and delicious! Something to keep in mind. 🙂

  3. I love Sonic limeades! I'll have to try this with the ice from my ice crushing machine–love that thing!

  4. Macaroni and Cheesecake says

    Ooh cranberry limemades sound fabulous! And Cara I am jealous of your ice crushing machine!:)

  5. Wow this looks so refreshing and your pictures are gorgeous!! So glad to be your newest follower! 🙂

  6. Me and My Pink Mixer says

    I love Sonic limeades too, but I only get to have them when I travel for work – we don't have one here 🙁 Can't wait to try this recipe!

  7. this makes me thirsty

  8. Gayathri Ramdas Sreekanth says

    Nice deep colour..Perfect for the scorching summers here!

  9. I LOVE Sonic's limeades and unfortunately there's no Sonic where I live, so THANK YOU for this post! You totally rock! <3