Big Announcement

Baby Announcement for Blog

We have a big announcement and this is where I would normally say, and ‘no I’m not pregnant,’ except this time I am!!:) We are so thrilled and excited to meet our little macaroni & cheesecake this fall.  I’m 13.5 weeks along and have felt pretty good for the most part.  I’ve had a few days of nausea every week but it’s been nothing too bad and I’ve not actually gotten sick so that’s been nice and my energy has finally returned, Praise the Lord!

For a while there my appetite was that of a 5 year old and I was eating PB&J and Macaroni and Cheese and that was all that sounded good to me. I haven’t had too many cravings yet except that one night I wanted Chinese, which is a rare occurrence for me.  I had to have chicken fried rice and an egg roll, stat! And it was so good! I’ve been trying my best to eat as many fruits and veggies as I can. Though I have indulged some as well, especially since Adam’s birthday was last weekend and I definitely had a few pieces of cake! I do seem to want to eat cheese or cheese flavored things quite a bit (can’t get enough cheez-its, haha).

I’m starting to show more but I’m still in that “she looks like she’s eaten too many cookies” phase. So I’ll be glad when my belly pops out a little so people can tell that I’m actually pregnant.  We’ve had a couple of ultrasounds so far and the baby looks great! Progressing exactly on schedule and heartbeat is great.

Also, wanted to let you know this is not going to become a baby blog.  I will still be focusing on food and recipes.  Since I do share my life and what we are up to in my weekend Strawberry on Top posts, those will have occasional updates on the pregnancy/baby but won’t always be about that.  They will be about our life and what we are up to and include restaurants and travels too.


  1. Congratulations!!

  2. Congratulations!!!! That is exciting news! I love the fun picture you shared to tell us!!!

  3. CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is so exciting!

  4. Great news ~ my god-daughter is due in mid-October as well. Continued good health to you and baby macaroni & cheesecake!

  5. What an adorable announcement. Many congrats to you guys!!!

  6. Congratulations!! I’m loving that there’s a jar of pickles in the photo. 😉

  7. congrats!! cute picture.. i’m due oct 13th.. hope all goes well for you guys

  8. What fantastic news!! Yay!! Congratulations, Stephanie!!

  9. Congrats Stephanie!! That is so exciting! October babies are great! 🙂 Wishing the rest of your pregnancy is happy and healthy!

  10. Aw, wow! I don’t know you, but congratulations! (:

  11. Congratulations! Happy and healthy 9 months!

  12. So exciting! Huge congrats & I love the announcement picture 🙂

  13. Congratulations! We’re expecting our first little one in just about 8 weeks, so I know what an exciting time this is for you. =) Sending my best wishes for a healthy, happy pregnancy!

  14. Congrats Steph! I’ve been patiently waiting for this announcement from you because I know how awesome and fantastic of a mommy you are going to be!!! Happy and healthy 9 months to you and baby macaroni and cheesecake!!

  15. Congratulations!!! So excited for y’all.

  16. Stephanie says

    Congratulations! What an exciting phase of life you are entering! Enjoy every second of this journey, because you will blink and your baby will be turning 30 before you know it! I can’t wait to see your “craving” recipe posts, and your continued baby updates. Best to you and Adam!

  17. Congratulations!!! 🙂

  18. Congratulations!!! Super excited for you both!

  19. Your posts are always greatl & I have used two of your recipes already this week. YUM!!! But I must say…
    This is my favorite post yet! What wonderful parents this baby will have. God is GOOD!
    And -I Can’t wait to meet my precious Grandchild :-)!!

  20. Congrats!! Love the picture 🙂

  21. OMG congratulations Stephanie!!!!!! I am so excited for you guys!! I love that super adorable photo of you guys too (nice work sneaking in the pickles and ice cream;))

    I hope you’ll keep us updated every now and again!

  22. congratulations!!!! what a fun photo. 🙂

  23. Congratulations!! Welcome to the crazy ride of parenthood!


    Congrats girly, you’ll be a fab mama!

  25. Congratulations!!!! Love your announcement photo! 🙂

  26. Congratulations!!! Your due date is the day before my wedding! What a fabulous week that will be haha!

  27. oh my!! Congratulations!!! I’m so excited for you guys 🙂 🙂

  28. SusanKay from VA says

    Congratulations! Wonderful news! Sending love and blessings to you and your hubby and baby mac n cheese! Wishing you the best of everything!

  29. Just saw your announcement. Congratulations!!!