Tornadoes 2011

Our town was one of the ones ravaged by the deadly tornadoes last week. God was so good to us and all we had was a tree down (didn’t hit our house) and power out for a while. We are so blessed and thankful for God’s protection because the devastation throughout our town is heart breaking. So many lost everything or even lost loved ones and several are still out of power. In the midst of it all, God is still at work and is still in control. I have heard so many stories of how God has protected people within inches of their lives. It is amazing to hear the many miracles God has done. God has also used this tragedy to bring our community together. People working hand in hand to deliver food, water, clothes, toiletries, etc. The outpouring of love has been amazing to see. We even had a church from Nashville bring a transfer truck full of supplies (diapers, water, food, bedding, etc.) to be distributed. (Just a note, these pictures are from houses in our community, not our house-our house was not damaged, praise the Lord!)

If you live in an effected area, please contact The Salvation Army or Red Cross to help in any way you can. You can text the word “GIVE” to 80888 to make a monetary donation to the Salvation Army or text “REDCROSS” to 90999 to donate to the Red Cross.

“You’re the God of this City, You’re the King of these people. You’re the Lord of this nation, You are. You’re the light in this darkness, the hope to the hopeless, the peace to the restless, You are. There is no one like our God. There is no one like our God. Greater things have yet to come, greater things are still to be done in this city!” ~”God of this City” song by Chris Tomlin


  1. Celeste says

    So glad you are safe!!

  2. Lindsay says

    i'm so sorry! all that have been affected by the tornadoes have been in my prayers…glad you are safe!

  3. Macaroni and Cheesecake says

    Thank you all! We are so blessed to have had no damage to our house!

  4. So glad you are okay. The devastation is astounding. I don't have much to offer but am planning to donate blood this wake to help the nations blood supply.

  5. I meant "week" of course 😉

  6. Macaroni and Cheesecake says

    Julie, that is awesome! Every little bit helps! 🙂

  7. Katy Mary says

    I'm so sorry to hear how your town has been affected, I'm glad you and your family are ok! It's so great that people are coming together and helping eachother, that's what will make recovering easier for everyone.

  8. Chrystal's Corner says

    So glad to hear that you and your family are safe. Praise God for his hand of protection over you. I will be praying for those in your area who weren't as fortunate and that a spirit of love and generosity can arise out of the tragedy.

  9. Natalie says

    I'm so sorry about your town but glad that you're okay!

  10. Sandra Bragg says

    I'm located on the west side of GA, so I stayed up half the night watching the storm coverage. I'm extremely lucky because all the storms parted around my city, but I have lots of family that were near or in the storms. I'm super glad you posted ways for people to help out, it is amazing how much devestation there is from the tornadoes.

  11. Love those song lyrics. Perfect for any situation of struggle in our world. So thankful you are safe. I will definitely be doing what I can – interceding on behalf of those greatly affected!

  12. Angela Bishop says

    Stephanie – where are you located? The reason I ask is that I am in Cleveland, TN, and the photo of the house in the 3rd picture is in my neighborhood – 3 houses down from me. We were lucky and suffered only minor damage. The house next to this one was horrible, too!

  13. kay simmons says


    I'm so thankful you, Adam and Hershey (?right?) are okay and that you only lost a tree. We have a new director of tourism here and she lives in Cleveland. Her neighborhood is one of the ones that took a direct hit. She had a tree fall on her house and in her yard, but there were 10 or 11 houses in her neighborhood that were totally leveled. Anyway…very glad you guys are okay!

  14. I'm so sorry to hear about your town! Glad that you're okay though.

  15. Nikki @Pennies on a Platter says

    Oh my! Glad you are safe. Even in the craziness of it all, God is so good.