Chocolate Peanut Butter Molten Cake

It’s that time of the year when hearts abound & red, pink and white are everywhere. To be honest, Valentine’s has never been my favorite holiday. I spent my share of them alone before God brought Adam to me, but even after being married I prefer to do special things for each other throughout the year and seem to think you shouldn’t need a holiday to do that. However, the romantic mushy side of me does love to think of fun, romantic & creative ways to celebrate, so Valentine’s is growing on me (plus it’s a great excuse to bake!). This dessert is perfect for something special for your favorite someone, great for a girls night or any dinner party! This cake is rich, decadent and down right sinful! The center stays all melty and it’s fabulous! Be sure and serve this pretty quickly after you take it out of the oven so it stays melty (you can always re-heat if you need to though).

Amazing Chocolate Peanut Butter Molten Cake

Source: Kraft Food & Family Magazine

4 squares Baker’s Semi-Sweet Chocolate
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter
1 cup powdered sugar
2 whole eggs
2 egg yolks
6 Tbsp. flour
4 oz. Cream Cheese, softened
3 Tbsp. peanut butter
2 Tbsp. brown sugar
1/4 tsp. vanilla
Whipped Topping

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Spray a souffle dish or baking dish with cooking spray, set aside.
In a medium microwavable bowl, place chocolate squares & butter & microwave for 1 to 1 1/2 minutes until chocolate is almost melted. Whisk until chocolate is completely melted. Add in powdered sugar and stir until fully incorporated. Whisk in eggs & egg yolks. Stir in flour just until moistened.
In the bowl of a stand mixer add cream cheese, peanut butter, brown sugar & vanilla & mix until creamy.
Take the prepared dish and pour in half of the chocolate batter. Spoon peanut butter mixture over top, distributing evenly. Top with remaining chocolate batter.

Bake for 20 minutes until the edges are set, but center is still soft. Cool slightly & top with whipped topping if desired. Serve very soon after taking out of oven.

*You can choose to use small souffle cups (will make 7) instead of the large souffle dish and bake them at 425 for 14 minutes.


  1. I adore chocolate molten cakes and the idea of adding peanut butter to them is genius!