Watermelon Cake Expedition

After watching the premier of the new season of Ace of Cakes on Food Network last week, Adam proposed that we try to sculpt and ice a cake ourselves. Not having ever done this before, I was a bit skeptical of what we would be able to create. He came up with doing a watermelon…like an entire watermelon…I thought we could just start with slices and build up to the whole watermelon. So we set out Friday night with making the cakes. While I wanted to make it from scratch, since we were undertaking the sculpting and icing and everything, Adam convinced me to use a mix and bought icing just to see how it turned out this first time and then next time I could make it from scratch. I’m glad he protested because this ended up being a bigger project than we thought, but it was so fun! I have chronicled all the steps below. I hope you enjoy! I think it turned out pretty good for our first try!!

The cakes ready to go in the oven. Adam and I debated on whether to use a square, rectangle or round pan, and I realized if we used the round, we could just cut it like pie pieces, so that’s what we went with. My great engineer of a husband sketched everything out before we began as well, so we’d have a good idea of what we were doing…he’s so smart!

Adam measuring sugar for our sugar plate that we tried to make…there are no pictures of that because it failed miserably, we are going to invest in a candy thermometer next time. We just didn’t let it cook long enough, but it was fun to try.

Filling the cake with the chocolate icing.

Adam sculpting our watermelon slices

The cake ready to ice….here we go!

We iced a crumb coat so that no crumbs got into the colored icing. (sorry the pic got deleted)

Finally got the icing to the perfect color, though I did have to use an entire tube of red food coloring!

Pink icing on, going good so far…

Iced and ready for the final touches, the white icing in the middle and the “seeds” or chocolate chips.

The Final Product:


  1. That’s super cute!!

  2. that’s adorable. Now I want to figure out a way to make little mini watermelon cakes. 🙂

  3. What a fun summer cake! I think its great both of you tackled it… I enjoy working with my husband in the kitchen too 🙂

  4. newmanfamily says

    Too cute!

  5. madebymel says

    Very cool! The colors are so vibrant, it looks great! I love that you did it with your husband, mine would never decorate cakes with me!