Toy Story Lego Cake

Recently my brother celebrated his 9th birthday…yes we are a few years apart:) My mom asked me if I thought I could make this cake she found online at Betty Crocker. It was a basic lego cake and you made a sheet cake and cut it into equal slices and used marshmallows for the knobs. I told her I would give it a try. So Adam and I set out to make it, but of course we couldn’t leave it basic…we like to take everything to the max!:) So I decided to use inspiration from his favorite movie, Toy Story, and incorporate some of the design of the characters to the legos. It turned out great, for us amateurs:)! The only thing I would do different, is next time I will make my own icing because the store bought kind was a little too sticky to work with. This was a huge undertaking but it turned out great for our first time…plus it was a lot of fun making it together with Adam! I’m documenting our steps & how-tos below in case you ever want to make this one for a kid’s birthday.

Before you can begin to assemble your cake, bake two 9×13 cakes, flavor of your choice. Allow cakes to cool completely. Cut the first cake into three equal pieces (thirds). Slice the last third of the cake, in half horizontally. Set these pieces aside and cut your second cake to match (we measured our cakes, but you could place each piece from the first cake ontop of the second cake and just eye it). Using the pieces from the first cake, ice your filling onto the cake pieces leaving one inch around the edge. Top with the matching piece from the second cake.

The next thing you want to do is ice your cake with a crumb coat…which is a thin layer of icing to set the cake so it’s easier to decorate. Once the cakes are crumb coated, cover and refrigerate to set. We made our cakes and crumb coated them the night before.

Next, color your icing to desired colors.

We used the two largest pieces to portray Woody & the Alien from Toy Story, but you can use any color you would like. It’s time to start decorating. Begin icing with the base color using a flat spatula. We found it helpful to dip our spatula in a warm cup of water then lightly wipe it off to smooth out the icing after we had covered the cakes.

Next we topped the alien’s blue “clothes” with his green for his face.

After we iced each cake with the base color, we moved them to the refrigerator to set. This is for the middle smaller cake that will just say “Toy Story” or you could write “Happy Birthday.”

Once your cakes are completely covered, it’s time for the knobs of the legos. You take a marsmallow and either cut or pull it apart in half. Then spear each marshmallow with a toothpick and ice with the color to match your cake. Firmly place the marshmallow on the cake where you would like it and push the toothpick through to attach it to the cake and so no toothpick is showing. Top with icing and smooth to cover any holes or mishaps.

This one represents “Buzz” with a green & purple stripe that matches his space ranger uniform.
To emulate Woody’s shirt we used a red fondant writer bottle (found at Michael’s), which ran a bit on the sides, but it was a really hot day…I think those might work better for just the top of cakes.

The hardest part was transporting this to my mom’s house! This is the back of the cake. We found the eyes for the alien at Michael’s in the craft section…they are not edible and we removed them upon serving, don’t worry:)…they were my favorite part of the entire cake.

Everyone went nuts over this cake and couldn’t believe we’d made it! The transport and the heat made the icing run a bit, but I think some of that could be avoided like I said earlier by using a less sticky icing.


  1. Congrats for taking on cake decorating! You're pretty brave! 🙂 Looks good!

  2. I'm very impressed! I probably would have not even taken on the project out of intimidation! Kudos to you 🙂 I bet your brother loved it and will remember this cake for years to come.

  3. Omg i used to watch the tutorial for this all the time! Those people are so creative but i like your cake a lot better than theirs! It's really cute.

  4. very impressive! Love it

  5. I'm so impressed! This looks awesome! What cake is next? 🙂

  6. Awww, it's adorable! Nice job 🙂

  7. Cute cakes! Great idea with the marshmallows for the lego bumps.

  8. great work! The cake turned out awesome! I tried to make a lego cake once. Let's just say it looked like the birthday boy I made it for could have done 100x better if he had done it himself. lol