I HAVE to have it!

Smucker’s Creamy Natural Peanut Butter has become my new best friend. I LOVE it so much! I didn’t eat PB for a few years because I thought it was bad for you, but through a new eating lifestyle change, I discovered that Natural PB has good fats that help your body process food. Yeah!! This PB is a part of my daily intake…might as well make it it’s own food group in my opinion!! I eat it at least once a day. My husband has joked that he’s going to cut me off because I crave it and want to eat it all the time. I think it’s just all those years of only eating it every once in a while that’s done it to me. Now, I do portion it out and don’t it a lot at once, because then it wouldn’t be good for me anymore, though I do sometimes sneak an extra spoonful after I’ve slathered it on my sandwich or crackers, etc.! If you haven’t tried it, it is so much better than regular peanut butter…this is what peanut butter was intended to taste like. You do have to stir and refrigerate, but it is SO worth it! I just had to confess this and maybe bring some of you over to my natural peanut butter side!:)


  1. jennlockerman says

    Stephanie – I’m so pumped to see that you started a blog. Welcome to the obsession. 🙂

    Have you tried the honey-flavored version of the Smuckers all-natural PB????? It will set you free. PB is my very-most favorite food of all time in any form, but the all-natural Smuckers with honey is unbeatable. Walmart never has it, but I used to buy it all the time from Bi-Lo.

  2. I love the Smuckers natural as well! We get the chunky one. Yum!