Black Friday Giveaway! {Giveaway Closed}

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We had a great time! We got up and went for a walk/jog and then threw football for a little bit. Then we went and had Breakfast at Cracker Barrel and came back and watched the Parade. Which was really good this year. Especially loved Jimmy Fallon’s rendition of “We Will Rock You.” Then we headed up to my Mom & Step-dad’s for lunch. Later that night we headed out to do some Black Friday shopping at Target. I so wish they would go back to where it’s really shopping on Friday and all the stores open at like no earlier than 5 AM. Makes it so much more fun that way. Hopefully they will wise up and change it back! We got a great jump start on our Christmas shopping, though. We got home around 3 am but got to sleep in until 9 and just have been low key all day today.

Onto the Giveaway:

As I was shopping, I thought it would be fun to give one lucky winner a little help on some Christmas shopping (or shopping for yourself!;) not that I would know anything about that…) And since I just surpassed 3000 fans on my facebook page, I also wanted to give back and thank you all so much for taking the time to visit Macaroni and Cheesecake. It truly means the world to me and continually blows me away that more than just my mom and Adam read my blog. I can’t begin to tell you how much the blogging community and all of you mean to me, it warms my heart and fills me with such joy!

So here’s the deets: One lucky winner will win a $30 gift card to *Giveaway is now closed*  as of 11/30/12 10:00 pm EST.

For one entry: Leave a comment below telling me about what you do on Black Friday, shopping/no shopping or any fun traditions.

More ways to enter:
Follow Macaroni and Cheesecake on Facebook and leave a separate comment saying that you do

Follow Macaroni and Cheesecake on Instagram and leave a separate comment saying that you do

Follow Macaroni and Cheesecake on Twitter and leave a separate comment saying that you do

If you already follow me on Facebook, Instagram and/or Twitter, that definitely qualifies you for the additional comments!

Giveaway is open until 10 pm on Friday, November 30th at which time I will enter the amount of entries into a random integer generator and it will randomly choose the winner. Winner will be announced on Tuesday December 4th in my regular Tuesday post.

Disclaimer: Gift card is coming out of my own pocket and I am not in any way affiliated with or being compensated by Amazon.


  1. No shopping! LOTS of exercise! 🙂

  2. I follow you on FB! 🙂

  3. Whitney Davis says

    Happy Thanksgiving. Since moving to Birmingham, AL we rarely do any ‘midnight’ shopping . My husband and I are in too much of a food coma from our three Thanksgivings to get ourselves out of the house! Ps: I also follow you on Instagram!!

  4. oh yeah shoppping – how fun…I actually chill at home and my hubby goes out and fights the crowds the ever important gifts for our kids!

  5. Happy belated Thanksgiving! (By the way, I made your Korean beef tacos a couple days ago, and they were a hit!)

    We didn’t do any shopping today, but we did lots of eating leftovers! 🙂

  6. I love to go out and just watch how crazy people can get over a good sale but this year I ended up doing nothing but watching tv on the couch.

  7. My tradition on BF is to avoid crowds and shop online! Followed you on Instagram, FB, and Twitter.

  8. I follow macaroni and cheesecake on facebook

  9. I already follow on instagram

  10. No black Friday shopping for me. I spend the day with family.

  11. We had four generations of shoppers today-my mom, my daughter, my granddaughter and me!

  12. My husband and I work in retail together, so we try to avoid shopping black Friday… However, we failed again this year and headed out for a few hours around town! Even at 3 in the afternoon, stores still have a ton of stuff and good deals 🙂

  13. I follow you on Facebook. 🙂

  14. I follow you on the Twitters! 🙂

  15. Black Friday almost always consists of driving due to travel. I did learn that many Chick-Fil-As serve breakfast super late and lunch super early on Black Friday, though. That’s always a special treat! I would love to go BF shopping since I haven’t been in YEARS!

  16. I do a little shopping on Black Friday 🙂

  17. I follow Macaroni and Cheesecake on Facebook

  18. thanks for the chance!! my husband and I always take it easy the day after Thanksgiving, we don’t go shopping (we aren’t that brave!) We typically watch football and take naps all day 🙂
    family74014 at gmail dot com

  19. I follow Macaroni and Cheesecake on Twitter

  20. I like you on fb as alaine elise
    family74014 at gmail dot com

  21. I follow Macaroni and Cheesecake on Instagram

  22. I follow via twitter as family74014
    family74014 at gmail dot com

  23. On Black Friday I do some online shopping but our main tradition is eating leftovers and putting up the Christmas tree.

  24. We don’t really shop on black Friday but I did venture out to Bed, Bath, and Beyond today. I went around 8:30a.m. and it wasn’t too bad!

  25. I “like” you on Facebook.

  26. I follow you on Twitter (@SPLemonade).

  27. I follow you on Instagram (SPLemonade).

  28. Kimberly R. says

    Just relaxing, definitely no shopping.

  29. Kimberly R. says

    I liked your fb page.

  30. Black friday is not a shopping day usually in my house either… hello rest and relaxation from cooking hard the day before.

  31. Spent the day with family.

  32. I like you on facebook.

  33. I follow you on fb. (Stephanie Waltner Salyer)

    Stephanie recently posted:

  34. We had a very relaxing day that ended with putting up a Christmas tree and having dinner with friends! Also did some online shopping…no crazy shopping stories here! 🙂

  35. Just ate some leftovers then worked later 😛 Nothing real special!

  36. SusanKay from VA says

    Went shopping with my mom and niece. We had so much fun!!

  37. I try not to do any shopping on Black Friday to keep the spirit of Thanksgiving alive a little longer.

  38. I follow you on Facebook 🙂

  39. Happy Thanksgiving! It sounds like you had a perfect celebration 🙂

    If we’re in Iowa at my parents, my mom and I usually get up semi-early and hit the sales. This year with little Greta here I did some online damage instead 🙂

  40. I just followed you on twitter – I can’t believe I previously wasn’t doing so!

  41. i’m staying away from the crowds today

  42. I follow your blog & instagram! This black friday I went to WORK! :/ But I have before been one of those crazy stand in line shoppers! 🙂

  43. We live in a small town and the closest bigger town only has Walmart so that is what our BF shopping accounts for!! The rest online!

  44. I am a fan on Facebook!!

  45. Follow you on emial & facebook – love your site! Black Friday is spent sleeping in & MAYBE go out in the mid-late afternoon and check out what’s left!

  46. Husband had to work and I was home with 6 month old twins and a 7 year old. No way I’m trying to shop with them 🙂

  47. No Black Friday shopping for me. I went one year for something specific for one of my daughters – but that was the only year! This year, I kept my daughter’s two children while she shopped all day. I think I got the better end of the deal! 🙂

    Suzie Paul

  48. Cheryl Newton says

    No Black Friday traditions. I did venture out, but only to the commissary and exchange on base. Don’t think that counts as shopping.

  49. Michelle Brannan says

    I’m not an avid shopper on any occasion, so I have never gone on Black Friday.To tell you the truth, it scares me a bit…lol 😉

  50. I’m a black Friday shopper. I also liked it better when the shopping started at 5am.

  51. I like to shop on Black Friday, but this year I was at work so someone else could have the day off. When I worked in retail, I think I would have preferred going into work at 9pm on Thursday instead of 4am on Friday! Haha.

  52. I already follow you on Facebook! 🙂

  53. I just started following you on Twitter, too.

  54. Hi – My husband has had to work most “black Fridays” and I wasn’t dragging my kids out in the craziness…so, the past few years I’ve enjoyed on-line shopping in my pj’s and with a nice cup (or 2) of coffee!! Happy shopping!

  55. I usually have to work on Black Friday but I try to at least get on the computer and do some online shopping before I leave.

  56. I shop around 7am on Black Friday. They still have the same deals and no crowds! 🙂

  57. I did most of my shopping online this year – our family does Thanksgiving dinner so we were still eating when the stores opened! I did go out later in the day on Friday to hit some other sales just to do it!

  58. I “liked” you on Facebook!

  59. I follow on instagram!

  60. This busy family passes on the shopping and enjoys the day of no school by sleeping in, decorating for Christmas, and watching a movie.

  61. I already follow you on FB 🙂

  62. Definitely a shopper!

  63. I worked in retail for awhile, so I used to have the tradition of working. Now my tradition is to stay home, avoid the crowds, and munch on leftovers.

  64. Congrats on 3k+!

    I don’t shop on black Friday. We watched some movies then bought an elliptical after the crazies cleared out 🙂

  65. I follow on fb.

  66. I follow on instagram.

  67. & I now follow on Twitter 🙂

  68. I often have to work on black Friday

  69. I follow you on Pintrest

  70. I follow you on Twitter (I’m @Tenley83)

  71. We always go to the tree farm and cut down our Christmas tree on Black Friday!

  72. We visit my husbands family in Raleigh and every year see a movie on Black Friday. This year it was Lincoln!

  73. I usually go to Target on Black Friday but never when they first open. I still manage to get the things I really want and can sleep in.

  74. I follow you on facebook

  75. I sleep in and then hit up the craft stores in the early afternoon after the crowds have died down!

  76. shopping, of course!!!

  77. April was in CT now CA says

    I usually stay home and recover from all the cooking and get started on the Christmas decorating!

  78. I follow you on twitter!

  79. Maybe a little shopping, but totally go to the mall for people watching. Love it!

  80. We go to the same museum every Black Friday and then to the mall on Saturday.

  81. I stay in bed as late as possible on Black Friday and relax after the hectic task of entertaining for Thanksgiving. Bliss 🙂

  82. I liked on Facebook

  83. I follow you on Twitter! @cookie_counter

  84. I relax and do a little internet browsing. I do not go out to stores. Way too crazy for me!!

  85. I follow you on FB!

  86. I really don’t have any black Friday traditions. This year was a first and my mom and I went shopping together.

  87. I follow you on Facebook!

  88. I follow you on Twitter!

  89. I follow you on Instagram!

  90. Well, since I started graduate school two years ago, my black friday’s have consisted of doing homework. Remember those days of undergrad when you brought work home for breaks with the intention of doing it and never got to it, but it was totally fine that you took the four days off. Yeah, I miss those days.

  91. I like your facebook page

  92. I follow you on Instagram.

  93. I follow you on Twitter.

  94. No shopping for me. I just ate leftovers and caught up on some tv shows.

  95. I love to go shopping on Black Friday. I never usually need the huge sales but I love to be involved with the crowds and be apart of the madness.

  96. I follow you on Facebook

  97. Shopping of course!

  98. Some years I shop, some years I don’t, I’m happy either way 🙂

  99. I follow you on FB!

  100. I follow you on Twitter too!

  101. I always do bf shopping even if I have nothing in mind to buy! just love being part of the crowd, being out all night and seeing everyone shopping! thanks for the giveaway and great site.

  102. The last few years, my sisters and I have taken my niece shopping. We never have a plan, so we usually end up wondering around aimlessly for a while, decide that the lines aren’t worth it, and then go get something to eat. It’s actually pretty fun!

  103. No Black Friday shopping for me! We traveled back from Mississippi and I am taking advantage of the Cyber Monday deals! Thanks for the giveaway!

  104. First time ever in my 55+ years, I bought something on Black Friday (late Thursday night) online – a new refrigerator! Otherwise I am ususally ignorant of the sales because I won’t fight the crowds!

  105. Monica Lavoie says

    This was my first year black friday shopping. Luckily it was a smaller town and there were not too many people out. I usually stay in and sleep the day after Thanksgiving.


  106. We recovered! Cleaned up a bit, took down fall decor and pulled out the Christmas boxes. And then shopped online in my pj’s later that night. =)

  107. I never go shopping during Black Friday. Too many people = too much anxiety. However, this year my mom and I decided to venture out to Michaels. Oh my! I was naive to think that a craft store would not be as packed as a clothing or electronics store. I was sooo wrong. I did get a few great deals though. Next year, I think I will stay home and spend it with my family =)

  108. I liked you on FB! But I do not have twitter or instagram =(

  109. no shopping for me! just thinking about all those lines stresses me out!

  110. I’m not a big fan of black Friday, but I do partake in Cyber Monday 😉

  111. I enjoy going out for Black Friday. We went this year and it wasn’t all that busy.

  112. My mom and I usually go out around midnight and fight the masses, but this year we didn’t go until Friday afternoon and everything was less busy than a normal day!

  113. I follow M and C on facebook!

  114. I follow M and C on Instagram

  115. I follow M and C on Facebook

  116. Black Friday’s activities depend on where we are in the country… If we are at my husband’s family’s house, then no shopping. If we are at home, then I usually hit one store on Thanksgiving night, and then spend time with the family away from stores on Friday!

  117. I just found you a couple of weeks ago and have been reading your posts. I love them. Used to Black Friday when we were raising little ones and were broke. I sure don’t mess with it anymore. Too much craziness for me.

  118. My mom and I used to go out and stand in the lines every year, but this year we stayed at home with my little guy (8 months old today!) and did some online shopping while we munched on leftovers 🙂

  119. I shop til I drop and love every minute of it! 🙂

  120. On Black Friday, we don’t do any shopping but we always go out for brunch! 🙂

  121. I follow you on twitter @DeeGee13

  122. I like you on FB as Dee G.

  123. It depends on what’s on sale, whether I go Black Friday shopping or not. I always put up my Christmas tree on that day.

  124. shopping, but not the early morning stand-in-line shopping

  125. We don’t usually do any shopping on Black Friday…just stay home and pull out Christmas decorations!!!

  126. I follow your awesome blog on FB!!!

  127. I follow on Instagram too!!

  128. And now I am following on Twitter:-)

  129. I stay away from the crowds on black friday. This year I went to a few antique shops which were not crowded. Usually I just stay home.

  130. We have a tradition where we lay around in our pajamas all day and eat and sleep and watch movies. AAHHH so awesome!

  131. Irina Chekhovskiy says

    Don’t do shopping. Continue on celelebrating Thanksgiving and being thankfull! 🙂

  132. Irina Chekhovskiy says

    We don’t do any shopping! Continue on and celebrate Thanksgiving! 🙂

  133. Cassie Erickson says

    I already follow you on Facebook! Love your recipes!

  134. Amanda Shand says

    If I am home on Black Friday I go shopping with my BFF, so much fun! The last couple of years we have been away for Thanksgiving week at a ski resort so Black Friday is a day spent with my family, my parents and my sister and family. The big Fun Zone opens at the resort on thanksgiving so we usually spend Friday there with the kiddos! I did do some online shopping this year as well.

  135. Any shopping I do on Black Friday is online! We go out on Black Friday to buy our live Christmas tree, and decorate it after dinner while drinking hot cocoa and listening to Christmas music.

  136. Amanda Shand says

    Following on Instagram

  137. Amanda Shand says

    Following on Twitter

  138. Jessica Nue says

    Already following you on Facebook. We always try to stay home and play around the house or outside on Black Friday. Long ago we tried to shop on Black Friday and found that it was a mad house. From then on we decided to focus on family fun day instead!

  139. On Black Friday, we usually put up our Christmas tree and also do a little shopping, but nothing crazy early. Did that one year, and I might do it again when the kids are older. This year we ordered a sectional for our basement. Exciting! 🙂

  140. I’m a fan on facebook!

  141. I follow you on instagram, too 🙂

  142. For a few years there I did Black Friday shopping. But I never really enjoyed it. I always ended up pi$$ed off! (And that’s how my hatred for Best Buy began.) Now I like to sleep in then do some online shopping! This year when I was at my parents, my mom & sister were going shopping at 5am. When I found out, I said “BUT WHO WILL ENTERTAIN ELLIOTT WHILE I NAP???” LOL

  143. I’m a Facebook fan!

  144. I am following you on FB!

  145. I am following you on Twitter (@AuntNomi)

  146. I try to hide on Black Friday.. although, it never fails that I’ll need something from the store. So I’m the one dodging a ton of people just to get diapers or milk lol.

  147. I searched for you on instagram, but couldn’t find you. Can you give me your username please?

  148. Already a FB fan 🙂

  149. I follow you on Instagram!

  150. I follow you on Facebook :)/

  151. I follow you on twitter.

  152. I follow Macaroni & Cheesecakes Instagram.

  153. Every year for Black Friday our family gets up early, gets some hot chocolate and stands in line for the good deals. We don’t always buy anything but the kids love the experience. 🙂

  154. I go shopping every year with my parents. I agree they need to change Black Friday shopping back to Friday. I refuse to shop on Thanksgiving! I did get everything on my list though, even though we went Friday morning.

  155. I follow you on Facebook

  156. Normally I stay away from the stores, but this year I went with my mom to a few sales for clothes for my little girl.

  157. Whoops, I’m following you on Facebook now.

  158. I follow you on Facebook

  159. My sister and I always go shopping on Black Fridy and go out for breakfast. This year we started shopping at Midnight and had breakfast at 3am. It’s always a great day.