Turkey Bacon BLT

I lovingly refer to this as the “Sandwich of the Summer!” Kind of like on Seinfeld where George declares it the “Summer of George,” this has been the summer of the turkey bacon blt for me. I seriously have eaten it like three times a week the past couple of weeks. I’ve been able to find some awesome heirloom tomatoes and they have been amazing!! For my blt, I love to use the turkey bacon, colby jack cheese, tomato and mayo and occasionaly add lettuce…oh and toasted bread is a must for me!:) YUM!!!! So sweet, salty & refreshing all at the same time. I love using the extra lean turkey bacon because it makes this indulgence healthy:) It’s not much of a recipe, but I just couldn’t keep this to myself:) I’ll list ingredients and assembly directions below though just in case you need them.

Turkey Bacon BLT
Source: the amazing heirloom tomatoes that inspired me

Turkey Bacon (two slices per sandwich)
Tomato, sliced
Whole wheat bread, toasted
Light Mayo
Colby Jack cheese (or your cheese of choice)

Spray a large skillet with cooking spray and turn heat to medium. Place bacon in skillet and turn about every minute or so until it has cooked through and darkened in color, about 4 minutes or so. Remove bacon from pan and place on a plate covered with a paper towel to soak up some of the grease. Let cool slightly.
Toast the bread in the toaster while you cook your bacon.
To assemble: Spread the bread with mayo, add your cheese, tomato, bacon & lettuce…slice and enjoy the “Sandwich of the Summer!”


  1. Yum!! BLT's are a favorite of mine 🙂

  2. Mmm! BLT's are favorite in our house. My hubby loves them.

  3. newmanfamily says

    I do a similiar one with avocado on it. Yummy!

  4. I went a little cuckoo for BLT's in the beginning of summer when I was trying to use up my San Marzano tomatoes. Yum! "Summer of George" – I totally forgot about that episode….hehe. Hope all is well, too!!

  5. Oh, the Summer of George – nice reference! 🙂 The sandwich looks delicious!

  6. I believe turkey bacon is going to be a permanent item on my grocery list now. This was awesome and I can't wait to make it again! (tonight perhaps?)

  7. Love turkey bacon!!