Creature of Habit

I don’t know if any of you can relate to this at all, but I am majorly a creature of habit. We love eating at lots of different restaurants, but at each restaurant once I find a dish I love I will get it each and every time that we eat at said restaurant. Even if we go there twice in one week! I like to stick with something I know is delicious. The same goes for my daily eats. I try to mix it up on dinner, but my breakfast, lunch and snacks are a rotation of about three or so things I have over and over…and I never get tired of them! I do throw a few new things in every now and again like the green monster smoothies or chicken or tuna salad, but mostly its the same. 🙂
Since I started a new job last week (working as an assistant for a realtor updating pictures, video, etc and loving it!) I haven’t been cooking much so I thought I would share some of these daily eating habits with you all to mix things up. (By the way I am in no way getting reimbursed or working on behalf of any of these companies. These are just my favorites and I purchased them with my own cashola).

Love this cereal, oatmeal squares. I have to be careful and measure out my serving or I’ll eat way to much!

I am totally addicted to these chocolate chip peanut crunch clif bars. And yes, I buy the same flavor over and over. Warm it up for 15 seconds and its like a cookie straight from the oven. Magnifique!

This is my favorite meal…natural peanut butter with polaner’s all fruit on arnold sandwich thins. I love to have these with garden salsa sun chips or orange slices or a pear.
Another favorite lunch of mine is reduced fat wheat thins with 1 oz. of 2 % sharp cheddar cheese, sliced.

This is my “guilty (or not so guilty) pleasure.” I love me some Diet Dr. Pepper!! I know artificial sweetners and caffiene aren’t that good for you, but in my defense I have greatly cut back recently. I was drinking a couple a day and now I drink one every few days. I don’t know that I’ll ever completely give it up, I just love it so! At least it doesn’t have any calories!


  1. I love Clif bars. Have you had the white chocolate macadamia flavor? They are incredible.

  2. Stephanie says

    I haven't tried that one…I will definitely check it out! Thanks for the tip:)

  3. Melissa says

    Congrats on the new job – Sounds fun! The oatmeal squares you posted are probably one of my favorite cereals. In fact, I've been eating it all week for breakfast. I guess that means I am a creature of habit, too.

  4. i drink Diet DP too (or Cherry Coke zero). i just can't completely cut them out of my diet although I wish I could. i limit myself to one a day which is still too often but oh well. 🙂

    garden salsa sun chips are so good!! 🙂

  5. You are really on diet Steph? 😀

    I love your styles =)

    Keep it up!

  6. Satellite tv on pc says

    Garden salsa sun chips are so testy. Thanks for the tip.Satellite tv on pc

  7. Star of david says

    I also love natural peanut butter with polaner's all fruit on arnold sandwich thins. Thats have a great taste.