Downtown Dinner

On my actual birthday, my husband took me to eat at one of my favorite restaurants, Tony’s. They make their pasta fresh everyday and you can even make your own combinations. Adam had Chicken Tetrazzini (pictured 1st) and I had Spaggetini Con Crudo (pictured 2nd). Both were amazing and so fresh tasting. Then we walked around downtown and I couldn’t resist taking pictures even though I’ve been there a thousand times. We went into Rembrantds (a coffee shop/bakery/deli) to look at the pastries and even though we love the “nuns” or religieuse as they are formally called, we were just too full to eat them, so I just took a picture.





  1. Stephanie says

    Thanks! It was a blast!

  2. I just discovered your site, and I love it! I also live in Chattanooga and love to cook! I also have a cooking blog: