Chocolate Toffee Bars

Well, today is my last day at my job. It was a good job, but just not anything I am passionate about. I felt God leading me to leave and pursue some of my passions. I am nervous, scared, anxious and excited to see what the future holds. Not sure what I will be moving on to next, but I knew that it was time to do just that, move on to something new. I know God will direct me and show me what He has in store for me!:)

On that note, I wanted to make something special for my coworkers, for being so wonderful during my time here. When I saw these pop up in my google reader from My Baking Addiction, I knew I had to make these. Adam said these tasted just like pecan pie. I just love the combination of chocolate and toffee. These would be a great addition to your Thanksgiving table, or packaged up as treats to hand out to family & friends during the holidays. These called for milk chocolate chips, but next time I think I’ll try them with semi-sweet, since that is my chocolate chip of choice. Enjoy!

Chocolate Toffee Bars
Source: My Baking Addiction originally from Hershey’s

2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup packed light brown sugar
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter
1 cup pecan halves
1 cup milk chocolate chips

Toffee Topping:
2/3 cup butter
1/3 cup packed light brown sugar

Pre-heat oven to 350°F.
Combine flour and brown sugar in large bowl.

With pastry cutter or fork, cut in butter until fine crumbs form (a few large crumbs may remain). Line a 9x13x2 baking pan with foil and spray foil with cooking spray. Press mixture onto bottom of baking pan. Sprinkle pecans over crust. Prepare toffee topping; drizzle evenly over pecans and crust.

Bake 20 to 22 minutes or until topping is bubbly and golden. Once removing from oven, immediately sprinkle chocolate chips evenly over top, pressing gently onto the surface.

Cool completely in pan on wire rack. Cut into bars. Makes about 36 bars.

Toffee Topping:
Combine the 2/3 cup butter and 1/3 cup packed light brown sugar in small saucepan.
Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until mixture comes to a boil.
Continue boiling, stirring constantly, 30 seconds. Use immediately.


  1. COngrats on having the courage to leave a job that you knew wasn't right! There is a reason for everything. 🙂

  2. mamakrystal says

    Wow Steph, good luck with your future endeavors. I'm pretty sure your path will be bright and beautiful just like you. Great bars, they look pretty tasty!

  3. Love chocolate toffee bars!!

  4. Looks amazing!!! Thanks for posting these! 🙂

  5. Thanks so much for your encouraging words everyone:)

  6. Steph! What will be your new adventure?? I wish you the very best and always love getting new recpis from you. I just need to make more time to actually cook them 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. These look great!

    Tomorrow is my last day at my job and I feel nervous about the future as well. But life is more fun when we take chances 🙂

  8. Good luck with everything – I'm sure God has something better in store for you!

    This dessert looks amazing. just in time for Thanksgiving too – thank you!

  9. Mmmm! Great post! Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. Good luck with your new journey!

    Yours bars look fantastic and very addicting – yum!

  11. Michelle and Jenn says

    stephanie, I am proud of you taking a step of faith. I will be praying for you as you trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths!

  12. Lindsey@pickyeatings says

    These look delicious, and I'm bookmarking them right now!

  13. Good luck with whatever you decide to do in the future! I made these bars this weekend – SO delicious! – and blogged about them at

  14. bakingblonde says

    Those sound great, i make something similar called the "Ultimum Bar Cookie" that uses white chocolate, chocolate chips and nuts. SO good! Love the pics.

  15. I found your site while looking for unleavened recipes for passover. This one will be a big hit, I am sure.I was moved by your comments and hope that the new opportunities unfolding in your life will be a greater blessing. God has a way steering the course of our life by circumstances we do not always understand. Nevertheless, you can not steer a parked car. Keep on moving down the path that he illuminates with his word(Psalm 119:105)Also, thanks for some of the great ideas. we will be trying them this week.