My Oatmeal Accomplishment

I just had to tell you all my big achievement. I ate an entire bowl of oatmeal last week. Crazy as it sounds, I really don’t think I have ever eaten a bowl of oatmeal. I have always HATED oatmeal. And I’ve given it a fair shot. I’ve tried and tried to like it in the past, knowing what a great breakfast option it is. I would think that it smelled great and take one bite and pretty much have to spit it out. It’s more a consistency issue for me. (Also not a big fan of mashed potatoes, grits or anything else mushy…go ahead and say it…how can I be a southerner and not like these things??)

Well about a week or so ago, Adam was eating some Banana Bread Oatmeal and it smelled and looked good. It was rainy outside and I was wanting something more comforting than cereal for breakfast, so I asked him if I could try some. He said, “sure, but you won’t like it.” Well I tried it and to my amazement I really liked it. So a few days later I made myself a bowl and it was really good. It got a little sludgey toward the end, so next time I will add more milk. I just can’t believe I liked it!

Anyway, I decided to make my own concoction instead of using the pre-packaged oatmeal. I took inspiration from a great new blog I found, Eat, Live, Run. She has great healthy tips and seems so fun and adventurous. Definitely check out her site. For my oatmeal, I used oats, milk, 1 tbsp. natural peanut butter, cinnamon, a sprinkling of apple pie spice & a little splenda. It was so good. I am so glad to have a new healthy and fulfilling breakfast option going forward. Thanks for reading my randomness. More real recipes coming soon:)


  1. Tiffanie Paige says

    hey Steph! I'm with you on the texture thing girl! I eat oatmeal several times a week, but I mix it up a bit sometimes adding different fruit options(blueberries are a fave right now). Also, I usually add almonds and/or flax seed. It adds a healthy element AND the texture is way better because it isn't only smushy stuff in your mouth! I think you might like that too!

  2. Me and My Pink Mixer says

    I love oatmeal and eat the Quaker Low Sugar instant every morning. I'm not kidding either – I never get tired of it! Most of the time I add blueberries though. Keep with it and maybe you'll become a crazy oatmeal person like me 🙂

  3. mamakrystal says

    HA, I had banana bread oatmeal this morning. The packaged kind is perfect for me since I have breakfast on the go ready for my mornings. But your homemade oats sound just as good. You might want to add some chopped walnuts for additional texture, so it's not so gummy, too.

  4. Allison (Eat Clean Live Green) says

    I love oatmeal! Sometimes I chop up a banana, and add that into the oats – makes them super creamy 🙂

  5. so glad you discovered a 'like' (we won't call it love yet) for oatmeal! I'm a fan of mixing in some splenda and a big honking spoonful of Nutella in mine. Yum!

  6. Thanks for all your tips on how to enjoy oatmeal more! I will definitely be trying all of them to add more crunch and yummy textures. Thanks:)

  7. blackcatkitchen says

    mmm, I love oatmeal! I've got a few oatmeal recipes on my blog. I recently made some and put a splash of bailey's on top – YUM! (Don't worry, it was for dinner and I was chilling at home!)

  8. Oh I have serious texture issues with oatmeal- my husband thinks I'm crazy! I can stomach it if I add frozen raspberries, though.

    That pizza crust recipe looks wonderful- I need to try it!

  9. Hi there…long-time reader, first-time poster. I have a blog too and one day posted about overcoming my hate for oatmeal. My "recipe" includes mixing in Liberte plain yogurt (which is really thick) and gets rid of the oatmeal "goo" that I'm not a huge fan of.

    I also dislike mushy-textured anything so I have add-ins like cacao nibs (current fave), fruits (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, etc) or a spoonful of chocolate peanut butter. I still have my off days with oatmeal but with the chilly weather coming along I feel like more oatmeal breakfasts are on the way.