S’mores Truffles

I absolutely love anything s’mores. There is just something about that chocolate graham crackery goodness. I found these on my friend Liesl’s blog, Liesl’s Confection Dissection. I can’t begin to tell you how phenomonal these truffles were!! They were so delicate tasting and so full of flavor and sweetness…so decadent. These were EXTREMELY messy to make. My hands were covered in chocolate….but it was SO worth it!! Please make these for your next party or get together. You won’t be sorry! These were gone so fast at our retreat and the youth said I should go up to the kitchen and make some more! Sorry for the crummy pictures, I took them at the retreat, so not very good lighting and had to take them in a hurry before they all got eaten!

S’mores Truffles
Source: Liesl’s Confection Dissection via Sugar Plum

2 tablespoons unsalted butter
1/2 cup heavy cream
2 cups milk chocolate chips (12 oz.)
24 mini-marshmallows
1 cup finely crushed graham crackers

Melt butter in a medium sized saucepan over medium heat; whisk in cream and bring to a boil. Remove pan from heat and stir in chocolate chips until melted and smooth. Chill saucepan in refrigerator for 1 hour, or until chocolate is solid and rollable; roll into 24 balls, stuffing a mini marshmallow into the center of each. Chill truffles a few minutes before rolling in graham cracker crumbs; chill for a few minutes again so they solidify a little more.

Makes 24 truffles


  1. Mmm I'm loving all the smores inspired treats!

  2. I love S'mores as well. It the gooey marshmallow and the chocolate that make me happy!

  3. The Novice Chef says

    These look freakin fabulous! Seriously! Yum!

  4. YEA!!! So glad you made them…aren't the AMAZING!! Who cares about the mess when they turn out that yummy! :o) I need to make those again soon!

  5. lilhousewifecooks says

    yummmmmm! those look awesome!

  6. katskitchen says

    Seems to me like you're on a truffle kick these days, I love it!

  7. These look so great. Yum!

  8. These look delicious and fairly easy to make!

  9. These are such a great idea, they amazing and definitely worth the mess!