
This is my first blog entry ever! I am so excited to have a blog. This is also my first official day as a 26 year old, as my birthday was yesterday! The name for my blog is inspired by my all time childhood favorite, macaroni & cheese, as well as my husband’s favorite, cheesecake. Macaroni Grill is also one of our favorite restaurants, as is the Cheesecake Factory. It’s also the name of our future dogs…if we can ever muster up the courage to get any dogs…it’s so nice not having that responsibility, but I’m sure we will give in to it very soon. (Yes, I already picked out our dog’s names before we ever even have a dog…I’m a plan ahead kind of person) So, I thought it appropriate to name this blog after our two favorite things since on this blog I will be talking about everything that we love…Jesus, food, travel, love, sports, and life’s fun experiences. I hope you enjoy!


  1. Hey! I have just come across your blog and I love it! I have picked out the bourbon chicken recipe to try tonight. I have a picky husband and I am always trying to find new recipes to try that he might like. I hope this one is a success! I am also going to try the chicken noodle soup later this week.

    I found a great chicken enchilada recipe last week that I tried and he loved it:
    just in case you want to try it out.

    Thanks for the recipes!!
    PS: I really love all the pictures with the recipes 🙂

    • Macaroni and Cheesecake says

      Thank you so much Jessica! Hope you like the bourbon chicken! And thanks for sharing the enchilada recipe-they sound fantastic!

  2. I love your blog! I have already bookmarked several recipes and I just found you! Thanks so much for sharing.
    PS: I love all the pictures too

  3. Hi!

    I just came across your website after a random search I was doing. I have just recently (today!!) created my first blog and it is everything having to do with Macaroni and Cheese & Cheesecakes. I found that I had to share it with you since the name I was trying to get was exactly what you choose!!! I just love it! I have adapted to new name! My husband is who got me hooked on cheesecakes and my kids love the mac n cheese! With four kids I am always trying to invent new dishes and searching for new recipes. Please check out my blog at and share with the world as I am trying to get at least one recipe from each country for Mac N Cheese and Cheesecake. Looking forward to hearing from you! love your site!


  4. Hi,
    Tried your yummy-licious Revolutionary MacnCheese tonight. Love that it is in one pot. It was a HIT… 🙂 Will be cookin that on a regular basis :))
    Tammy ( also a sister in Christ )