Mini Ham & Cheese Frittatas

I was wanting a delicious but healthy breakfast recipe so I turned straight to my favorite source for healthy and delicious, Cooking Light, of course. Once there, I remembered these fritattas that were served at my Bridal Brunch right before my wedding. I had found them on cooking light so I searched for them and they popped up right away. These are a perfect little bite for a brunch or party, so savory and delicious! Plus, they are super easy!

You can find the recipe here.
I apologize for the crummy picture, it was taken early in the morning on my way out the door to a meeting.


  1. I've seen so many Frittatas recipes floating around the blog world, but I think I like this one the best. I love how they are mini and light. Yum!

  2. I would love to start my day with a couple of these little guys – they look so tasty!

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