And the Winner is….

First off I want to say thank you to all of your sweet comments, and happy blogiversary wishes! You all are just great! And I loved reading all of your favorite cookies. There seemed to be a wide range with regular chocolate chip and some type of oatmeal being among the favorites.

Without further ado, I used random integer generator to find the winner. And the winner is

Random Sequence Generator
41 katskitchen said…
The good ‘ol chocolate chip cookies is my fav, and happy blogiversary to to Mac and Chees! 🙂
July 2, 2009 4:47 PM

Congratulations! E-mail me at macaroniandcheesecake at gmail dot com with your name & address so I can send you your cookie scoop and silicone mat!

Thanks again to all of you for reading!!!