Homemade Marshmallow Fluff

Marshmallow Fluff is heavenly isn’t it!? When I was little my mom would make me peanut butter and fluff sandwiches for a special treat and I loved them so.  After I made the homemade graham crackers I got to thinking about s’mores and how it would be fun to just use marshmallow fluff instead of the regular marshmallows and then I thought it would be fun to make my own instead of using store bought.  It’s so rewarding to make things at home that you would normally buy at the store.  This turned out just like the store bought kind, only better! It was gooey, sticky, fluffy and the perfect compliment to any graham cracker, peanut butter or sandwich! And it really didn’t take too long to make.  I do recommend using a stand mixer to make this because you have to whisk the egg whites for several minutes and the stand mixer makes that a breeze.  This is great in a pinch too in case you ran out of fluff or forgot to get some at the grocery store (I am always forgetting things and am notorious for multiple trips to the store in a day)!

Homemade Marshmallow Fluff
Source: Sweetened with Honey & Hallee the Homemaker
Makes approximately 16 ounces

2 egg whites, room temperature
1 cup light corn syrup
1/4 tsp. salt
1 cup confectioner’s sugar
2 tsp. vanilla extract

In the bowl of a stand mixer, using the whisk attachment, whisk together the egg whites, corn syrup & salt on high speed for approximately 5 minutes, until doubled in volume and thick, forming soft peaks.  Reduce speed to low and gradually add in the confectioner’s sugar and whisk until fully incorporated.  Add in vanilla and mix until just incorporated.  Remove bowl from stand and using a spatula, lightly stir to make sure all ingredients are fully mixed, taking care not to deflate. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.


  1. And I thought being able to run down to the store for Fluff was dangerous. Now I can make it at home! I better just buy bigger pants now.

  2. Bring on the stretchy pants…that is awesome news that I can make that stuff at home:-)

  3. Wow! This looks delish & so simple! Definitely could be dangerous knowing how to make this 🙂

  4. this is beautiful and delicious!

  5. Seriously this is great!! I love fluff and all things marshmallow!

  6. oh my! I came across a recipe recently for brownies Peanut Butter, fluff and salty crust. I bought the fluff, but ate it before making the brownies. This is SO much better! no preservatives and you know what is in it. Digging out that brownie recipe now! thanks for posting!

  7. Thanks everyone! You all are cracking me up with your stretchy pants references!;)

  8. Terri Betz says

    New follower! Bakeaholic Mama lured me here from my FB newsfeed! Clever girl! Thank you for sharing!
    Blue Strong on FB!

  9. Everything you have posted up on this blog looks amazing!

  10. I never use corn syrup but am now tempted : ) I wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award : )Find out more here http://imcookininmykitchen.blogspot.com/2012/05/graced-with-award.html or https://www.facebook.com/RecipesSwap

  11. Oh the possibilities with this stuff! So holding on to this recipe!!!! Thanks 🙂

  12. Ooooh! What a great idea! Definitely bookmarking this for the next time I need “the fluff!” 🙂

  13. I swear I just went to marshmallow heaven.

  14. Wow, homemade marshmallow fluff. that’s awesome. my friend turned me onto something similar to eat with melon chunks in the morning – 1/2 fluff with 1/2 cool whip topping mixed. Devour with melon bites. Enjoy. 😀

    thx for recipe.