Happy Earth Day!

This really isn’t food related, but I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to celebrate Earth Day! I haven’t ever been one to celebrate this very much or get excited about it, but a little over a year ago I began steps to beening “greener” in how we live, eat, etc. Here are just a few small steps to take on your way to becoming greener and reducing your carbon print on the world. I have slowly tried to add in all the things below and while we aren’t to the max, we really try to be earth conscious. As I’ve said before, I call myself “mint green” because I know there is more I could be doing, but I’m working on it.
  • Buy a few re-usable tote bags and use those to shop with at the grocery store, mall, etc. instead of using the plastic bags which aren’t biodegradable.

  • If you do happen to use the plastic bags from the grocery store, most stores have bins where you can bring those bags back to recycle.

  • Recycle, Recycle, Recycle! Start out with just paper & boxes. You will be shocked how quickly your bins will fill up. We’ve also started trying to recycle any plastic since a local recycling center now takes it.

  • Switch your regular light bulbs to CFL light bulbs. Not only is this better for the planet and you, but it helps save a little money too.

  • Switch over to natural cleaning products. We’ve done this a little at a time. Most companies, like Method & Greenworks even come in recycled packaging. This cuts down on the chemicals released in the air, and you know that you aren’t breathing in anything harmful.
  • Switch over to natural, organic foods when possible. The less chemicals we put in, the healthier we are going to be.
  • Buy a BPA Free Re-useable water bottle and re-fill it instead of buying disposable plastic bottles.