Our Kitchen Renovation: Before & After

This past summer, Adam & I decided to remodel our kitchen. This took several months as we did the work mostly on the weekends or after work. We actually completely finished this back in September, but I’ve had so much I’ve wanted to post, that I haven’t gotten a chance to post pictures of our renovation. Since Adam has been out of town a lot, and I’ve been under the weather some recently, I haven’t been cooking as much, so I thought I would go ahead and post these before and after pictures to tide you over until tomorrow when I have a yummy meal to post.
So, I apparently forgot to take official before pictures on our kitchen. I looked back through the archives for some pictures that at least showed part of our kitchen and the one above and the one below are the only ones I could come up with. I wish I had a picture of the railing around the top of the cabinets. You are just going to have to trust me. It was not pretty. And please forgive me if you like the country style-it’s just not my taste. So the picture above and the one below is the before. As you can see the countertops are powder blue. When we first moved in, I painted the kitchen a deep red to make it a little better since the original wallpaper was all flowery.

And here are the after pictures. We splurged on stainless appliances, stainless sink & faucet, and granite countertops. Since we splurged on those, we sanded and stained the cabinets ourselves. Let me just tell you-that is SO much work. In hindsight, we would’ve just painted the cabinets because you only have to strip off the top layer instead of all the way down to bare wood as we had to. But, the end product exceeded my expectations. I love our kitchen now. It is so inspiring. The stainless and granite were so worth it. It’s wonderful to have a clean lined, modern looking kitchen. This project took a while to complete, but really added value to our home. Hope you love it as much as I do!


  1. Look at all of the counter space! Everything looks gorgeous! We have been talking about re-doing our cabinets, but I don’t know if I could finish a big project like that. You guys did a fantastic job! Can I hire you?

  2. Your kitchen looks fabulous, I love the colors you chose! Will you do mine next? 😉

  3. It’s gorgeous! I’m so jealous of your fabulous kitchen! :p

  4. mamakrystal says

    OMG, you guys did a great job! I know that you guys must have spent all your extra free time on renovating this, but everything looks 1 million times better. I love the hardware and the color combos you have. It looks beautiful, I’m dying to get granite countertops to complete our kitchen as well. Great job Steph, you can work on HGTV now, too!!!!! Woo HOO!!!!!

  5. I love the results! I will definitely keep your kitchen in mind as inspiration when I start the process of renovating my kitchen!

  6. I LOVE it! It’s beautiful. It makes me wish we would have painted our cabinets black instead of white! Looks awesome! Enjoy your new kitchen…or at least keep enjoying it!

  7. Oooh, I love the black with the stainless and red walls!!!! That looks wonderful!

  8. Wow! You guys did an awesome job.

  9. looks fabulous! i love your choice for the granite!

  10. It’s gorgeous! You guys did a great job.

  11. wow – your kitchen looks amazing. i’ve wanted a kitchen with stainless steel appliances for so long. being in a kitchen that nice must inspire you to make some great meals!

  12. Your kitchen looks gorgeous!

    I have a question about your party rolls…I would love to make them for my son’s first birthday next week. Please email me if you have a chance. Thanks!!

  13. Your kitchen looks great! I love the countertops and the color scheme!

  14. oh wow!! it’s beautiful, you all did amazing!!!

  15. wow that’s beautiful!

  16. IT looks FANTASTIC!!! I’m sure it’s a blast to cook in!

  17. It looks amazing!! Great choices of colors/appliances/counters 🙂

  18. penniesonaplatter says

    Well worth the effort!! Looks beautiful!!

  19. I love the sleekness of your kitchen!
    Looks fabulous!

  20. WOW!! What a difference!! It looks GREAT!

  21. newmanfamily says

    I love it! It is so nice!

  22. Wow that looks beautiful! Much love and happiness in your new kitchen!

  23. I AM SO JEALOUS…. I cannot wait to have a kitchen like that one day!!!!