Rave: Mesa Grill Cookbook

I decided to just do a monthly rave instead of every week, at least for now. This rave is a tad late-it’s about my Christmas present from Adam. Let me preface by saying that I surprised Adam with a trip to New York last year for his birthday weekend. It was also my birthday present and our anniversary present as well. During that trip, as another surprise, I made reservations at Bobby Flay’s Mesa Grill. We LOVE Bobby Flay and were super excited to taste his food in real life, and we were not disappointed. The flavors just burst in your mouth giving a spicy, yet savory and sweet sensation all at once. He really knows how to balance his flavors. It was a wonderful meal and a great time.

So, onto the Christmas present…I had visited Bobby’s website and saw where you could buy autographed copies of his cookbooks. So I immediately put the Mesa Grill Autographed Copy on my Christmas list with exactly what I wanted Bobby to write. I didn’t really think that I would get it.
Christmas morning, Adam pulled out one last present. It was in a shirt box, but it was heavy. I said, “Is this what I think it is?!” Then I tore off the wrapping paper to discover that it was! It was the Mesa Grill Cookbook!! I opened it up and sure enough it said, “For Stephanie, Are you Ready for a Throwdown? Bobby Flay.” I procedeed to scream and jump up and down-literally. Super exciting! I couldn’t believe Adam had gotten it for me!
I haven’ t made anything out of this cookbook yet, but plan to in the very near future. The cookbook is in a place of honor in a easel on my bookshelf. I’m kind of scared to use it because I don’t want to spill anything on it-haha.
Let me just say that Adam was really thoughtful about my Christmas gifts this year, getting me a couple things I had pointed out (these food network mugs below) and my favorite snacks in my stocking. The thought behind these gifts just warmed my heart. Thank you Adam!! Isn’t my husband just wonderful!


  1. stefanielynn04 says

    That is SO sweet! What a great gift – and I have to say, I must check out that cookbook. Those mugs are so cute too!

  2. That’s awesome! Your husband did great! I love that show. What would your Throwdown recipe be? 🙂

  3. That is so cute that you fill each other’s stockings for Christmas. I must admit that my mom/Santa still fills my husband’s and mine! It makes me wonder how well Chris would choose things for me if he were in charge of it though!!

  4. That’s awesome!! I’m a huge Bobby Flay fan too, I have 2 full sets of his dinnerware from Kohl’s and I love it, so colorful and fun! You’ll have to let us know if the cookbook is a good one.

  5. how fun! dh and I just went to vegas for new years and ate at MESA grill. We loved it too! Enjoy the book. (any chance there is a recipe for the duck in blue corn pancake?)

  6. I know you don’t know me, but I was blog hopping on some friends blogs and the Mesa grill blogs caught my eye then I noticed I knew your husband Adam in your photos! My husband and I knew him from High School and he and my husband went to TN Tech together. Tell him Sara and Cameron Liner said hi. We are huge Bobby Flay fans ourselves and we just ate at Mesa back in September on our first Vegas trip. LOVED IT. We also watch Throwdown and finally ate at the Loveless Cafe wear he had the biscuit throwdown. If you have never been there it’s great! I think you’ve inspired me to get that cookbook now 🙂

  7. bensbaby116 says

    Oh my gosh, what an awesome present!! Your husband did a great job. 🙂

  8. Hi Stephanie! I have been reading your blog and enjoying your recipes the last few weeks. I went to Lee too and am a friend of Jen B’s. I hope you don’t mind my reading! I have a request, though. Do you have a good banana pudding recipe?? It’s my husband’s favorite, so I’m on a search! Keep it up…love this blog!

  9. Hey there…check out my latest post!! 😉

  10. THAT IS SO COOL!!! You should totally throwdown with Bobby.

  11. Love all your comments! I don’t know what my throwdown would be-probably some type of cookie or baked good because those are my favorite things to make.

  12. Very cool! What a great husband!

  13. mamakrystal says

    Awwww, Stephanie!!!! How awesome that’s signed, I would frame that!!! I love that cookbook, it’s freaking cool. But believe me, a Bobby Flay dinner, is a 2 day event. I did the prep work the 1st day, and the following day was the cooking stuff. I made the New Mexico Pork Spiced Tenderloin, with the sweet potato tamales, with the cilantro oils, maple butters, and etc!!!! It was really good, but sooooo tiring! Have fun with that book!! Are you ready for the throwdown, yes you are!!!!!!!