Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!!
I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas full of God’s love, peace, grace & joy.

Have a wonderful holiday! Hope you are able to relax and spend time with your family. I’m going to be in at my parents in my pajamas watching Christmas movies and drinking hot chocolate all day! I love this tradition! My favorite Christmas movie is “White Christmas.” …And may all your Christmases be white…


  1. Ari (Baking and Books) says

    I love that movie, watched it on Christmas actually! Too bad the snow missed our area by about 2 days. Doh. 🙂

  2. The Blonde Duck says

    I love that movie! It’s one of my favorites! I hope you had a merry Christmas!

  3. That’s my favorite Christmas movie too! I can watch it over and over and it never gets old…”Sisters, sisters, there were never such devoted sisters!”
    THe other song from that movie that gets totally stuck in my head is “Mandy” – LOVE IT!

  4. I hope you had a great Christmas!! Happy New Years too!