Holiday Hints: Christmas Baking Baskets

For this week’s holiday hint, I thought I would share pictures of my baking baskets. For several of my friends I put together baskets of baked goods. Even though I’ve already posted almost all of the recipes, I thought I would make a master list of everything I made for you with links to the recipes all in one place (some I haven’t posted yet, but I will update the links once I do). For the bags, I just got some clear cellophane bags and I found the labels and ribbon at Michael’s. (Their Christmas ribbon is 70% off right now so go and get some!) It was that easy and gives them something a little extra special.

White Trash (link to come)

Peanut Butter Fudge (link to come)

Peanut Butter Blossoms (link to come)

I have been searching for containers to put my hot chocolate in for weeks. For some reason, I could not find anything that fit the bill. Either they were too big or just not cute enough or didn’t close the way I wanted them too (I either wanted a suction or screw top). Well, Adam had to work last Saturday and so I sent him to World Market after he got off work to see if he could find anything. These are the too cute containers that my amazing husband picked out. These are seriously better than what I would’ve picked out. He has such good taste!


  1. Aww..your baskets look so good! And you’re right, your hubby did do a great job with the containers for the hot chocolate mix!

    Merry Christmas!

  2. I love your baskets! They look great! I’d like to do something more like this next year. This year I just used plates and plastic wrap:)

  3. That is a wonderful basket of goodies anyone would love to receive! Great job and I’m sure the lucky recipients will love everything!

  4. What a pretty basket. How do I get on your list? 🙂 No really, I’m saving this post for help next year! Off to work on my handwriting…I’m very jealous haha

  5. these look great! Wish I got one 🙂

  6. penniesonaplatter says

    Very cute containers for your hot cocoa mix!

  7. These are so pretty! I LOVE them! I’m sure the recipients will too! Merry Christmas!

  8. What a great gift idea! The baskets look beautiful!