Homemade Marshmallows

Oh. My. Goodness. These are truly phenomenal. I can’t believe I’ve never made Homemade Marshmallows before. I had been wanting to make some and then I found these at Good Things Catered. I don’t know if I will ever buy marshmallows from the store again. These are so soft and so full of flavor. So much better than store bought! It would also be great to just use it right out of the mixer as marshmallows creme instead of buying that at the store as well. Please try these and you will not regret it. I am packaging these up to pair with my homemade hot chocolate mix for some Christmas gifts this year. I’m begging you to make these!

Homemade Marshmallows
Source: Good Things Catered

4 envelopes unflavored gelatin
3 c. granulated sugar
1 1/4 c. light corn syrup
1/2 tsp salt
1 Tbsp vanilla extract
powdered sugar for slicing

In large saucepan over medium high heat, combine 3/4 c. water, sugar and corn syrup.
Meanwhile, in bowl of stand mixer place 3/4 c. water and sprinkle gelatin on top, let plump.

Bringing sugar mixture to boil, place candy thermometer in middle of mixture, making sure not to touch the side or bottom of the pan and let keep a rolling boil until mixture passes 235 degrees, about 3-5 minutes.

With mixer on low, carefully pour sugar mixture into mixer bowl, add salt and slowly raise beater to high speed.
Beat sugar mixture on high for five minutes and then add vanilla. (If you’d like to add other flavors here like peppermint, color, or cocoa powder for chocolate, add now).

Continue beating mixture for an additional 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, oil a 9×13 pan for large marshmallows or two 10×10 pans for small marshmallows.
When done beating, pour sugar mixture into pan(s), smooth top and tap to release extra air.
Leave on counter overnight to form.

Generously sprinkle working surface with powdered sugar, turn out marshmallow mixture, generously sprinkle with powdered sugar, and cut as desired, lightly coating marshmallow shapes with powdered sugar to avoid sticking.

9×13 pan makes about 96 large marshmallows that can be stored in a container for about a week.


  1. So glad you liked them!!! and I LOOOOOOVE your little packages with the stickers! So cute!! Merry Christmas! 🙂

  2. These look amazing – did you find your mixter struggled to mix them? (I’ve heard that from others who did their own marshmallows, not this recipe.)

    These look incredible, thanks for sharing!!!!

  3. Stacey-I didn’t have any problems with my mixer. This recipe was smooth sailing for me thanks to Katie!

  4. Stephanie, is that your handwriting or did you print your tags? I seriously can’t tell! Oh, and the marshmallows do look fabulous. I’ll have to save this for an idea next year!

  5. I have yet to make homemade marshmallows – yours came out awesome!

  6. Melissa-that is my handwriting. Thank you so much for the compliment! I am always critical of my handwriting.

  7. I made these for Nick's 30th birthday party last weekend and everyone loved them!! This was such a fun recipe!!