Giveaway Time!

Has everyone finally detoxed from the Holidays? I had a nasty cold that sidelined me for several days, but I’m on the mend now. As I mentioned on Facebook, we went to hear Married Comedians last night at our church.  It was so fun! They had a sit down dinner and then Jermaine Purifory who is from our area and was on American Idol sang a melody of love type songs. He even sang my favorite song of ALL Time, Bon Jovi’s Livin’ on a Prayer! And he busted out with BackStreet Boys “I want it that way” and some Bieber too! Such a great date night. In other news, it’s freezing here today!  One of those days you want to curl up with a good book and eat a hot bowl of soup and do nothing.  But for some reason, we have been on clean out and put up mode.  Finally getting all our Christmas decorations in the attic and getting our files organized and purged for the new year.  What about you, what are you up to this lovely Saturday?

Okay, enough of my ramblings…it’s GIVEAWAY TIME!!!! I feel like Ellen when she talks about something random and then the bell dings and her “elves” come out with giveaways for the audience.  Did anyone catch the refused proposal? So funny…glad it turned out to be staged. I felt bad for the guy.  Oh yeah, back to my giveway. I can’t thank you all enough for all of your support and love.  Over the holidays I hit over 1100 fans on my facebook page and I just wanted to return some of that love to you all.  Seriously thank you so much for reading, commenting and facebooking along with me!! Love you all! As a token of my appreciation I am giving one reader a $50 gift card to Amazon.  Hopefully you can get yourself something special that Santa left off of your Christmas list.

Just leave a comment here saying what your favorite comfort food is! For an additional entry, like me on facebook and come back and leave a second comment letting me know (if you are already a fan, you are eligible to do this as well). You have until next Saturday, January 21, 2012 at 10:00 pm EST to enter! Good Luck!! I will randomly choose the winner & announce the winner Monday January 23rd. This giveaway is now closed. The winner has been chosen & will be announced Monday January 23, 2012.

Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with Amazon and am not being compensated for this in any way.  This is coming out of my own pocket.


  1. My favorite comfort food is probably macaroni and cheese. It is the perfect balance of decadent, cozy, and easy to make and I’ve never met a person who doesn’t love it!

  2. My ultimate comfort food has to be ice cream!

  3. I’m also a FB fan!

  4. My favorite comfort food is Chicken and Dumplings!

  5. Great giveaway! My favorite comfort food is PIZZA!!! 🙂

  6. heather raymond says

    My comfort food is frozen peas 🙂 When I was younger, Mom would give them to me in a little bowl while she was cooking dinner. Great, low calorie tie over til dinner. I still find my self snacking out of the bag 🙂

  7. heather raymond says

    And I’ve liked you on Facebook for MONTHS! 🙂 One more point, ME! 🙂

  8. fav comfort food is beef stew, yum!

  9. My favorite comfort food is pasta with meatballs and lots of Parmesan!

  10. I like you on facebook!

  11. amy marantino says


  12. Chicken Pot Pie!

  13. Ashley Lanz says

    I LOVE tomato soup with grilled cheese…… :):)

  14. My favorite comfort food is spaghetti noodles with butter and parm. If I’m craving it, I’m probably homesick!

  15. April was in CT now CA says

    The first thing that come to mind is macaroni and cheese. Pasta and cheese? Yes, please!

  16. I find a lot of comfort through Mexican food! Chips and guacamole just make me happy! 🙂

  17. FB fan! And need to try your detox smoothie recipe!

  18. Did someone say “comfort food”? I am a comfort food junkie… and my waistline certainly doesn’t hide it. 🙂 To narrow it down to one specific dish is nearly impossible, but, I love a good baked pasta, be it mac and cheese, lasagna, tuna casserole… pretty much, if it is baked and it has pasta and cheese, I’m there!

  19. I’ve also been a fan of yours on Facebook for a little while now. 🙂

  20. I have a comfort food meal…. yes, I know I’m crazy and most of you will be like, eww, but I love liver & onions, mashed potatoes and mac & cheese! YUMMY! I actually have my husband hooked on it and he’s the one who usually requests it!

  21. Been a FB fan for a while now!

  22. Chicken and dumplings tops my list!

  23. Spaghetti and Meatballs!

  24. Cheeseburger Macaroni! Not the Hamburger Helper version, but made with Kraft mac & cheese. Some of that, ground beef, and ketchup, and it’s like a hug in a bowl!

  25. I am a Facebook fan 🙂

  26. I think I will have to go with ice cream! Although a close second is cheese 🙂

  27. My favorite comfot food is homemade mac ‘n cheese! 🙂

  28. My favorite comfort food is chicken pot pie (especially if its made by my mom)!

  29. I am a fan on facebook.

  30. Great giveaway! My favorite comfort food is spaghetti 🙂

  31. I find ice cream very comforting 🙂

  32. Pasta…any kind, just good ol’ carbs, YUM

  33. Terri Frazier says

    Ohhhhh, tough one ~ chicken pie or meatloaf/mashed potatoes……yum!

  34. Lisa Teague says

    Favorite comfort food would have to be my homemade Chicken and Rice. YUM!

  35. Macaroni and Cheese of course!

  36. My mom’s macaroni and cheese is the hands-down winner for me! The ultimate comfort food.

  37. I would have to agree with most everyone else-mac & cheese!

  38. I’m a fan on Facebook!

  39. Favorite comfort food would have to be my aunt’s arroz con gandules, yum!

  40. liked you on FB 🙂

  41. Pasta! One of those foods that pretty much always sounds good 🙂

  42. Caitlyn Carpenter says

    My favorite comfort food is my Dad’s Famous No-Bake cookies. They are different every time because he refuses to measure anything and will make the cookies even if we’re missing an ingredient. But every.single.time, they are the most amazing, delicious cookies. No one else in our family likes them, so he and I would sit in the kitchen waiting for them to cool so we could gobble them up. Good memories.

  43. Caitlyn Carpenter says

    Also, liked you on FB!

  44. Beef stew with biscuits! Love your blog!

  45. I think my favorite comfort food would be chicken & dumplings. Most food comforts me 🙂

  46. & I’m a FB fan – congrats on the huge number!

  47. Carrie C. in VA says

    pizza, every time!

  48. mac and cheese or mashed potatoes

  49. i’m also a FB fan

  50. What a great giveaway! My favorite comfort food is any kind of pasta dish — baked ziti, macaroni and cheese… I love ’em all!

  51. I also like you on FB!

  52. Macaroni and cheese is the best comfort food!

  53. Chocolate chip cookies!!!

  54. I follow you on FB@

  55. ice cream

  56. My favorite comfort food is meatloaf and scalloped potatoes or chicken pot pie! Yummy!

  57. I’m following you on FB! 🙂

  58. Angela Leonard says

    My favorite comfort food is… A big plate of homemade mashed potatoes with homemade chicken noodles on top!!! Notice I said homemade. It’s not comforting to me to have box mashed potatoes OR frozen egg noodles! 🙂

  59. Angela Leonard says

    I already like you on fbook! 🙂

  60. My favorite comfort food is tamales!!

  61. I too am a fan on facebook! Thanks!!

  62. My favorite comfort food would have to be any kind of pasta dish!

  63. I liked you on facebook!

  64. I love a good lasagna. Love your blog!

  65. My favorite comfort food is coffee. I have at least a cup a day, and it always makes me feel better. A splash of cream, a few spoonfuls of sugar, and I am well on my way to a great day!

  66. Ice cream

  67. I would have to say grilled cheese and tomato soup!

  68. I follow on fb!

  69. My comfort food is homemade baked mac and cheese

  70. I liked you on fb!

  71. I very happily “liked” you on FB!!!

  72. My favorite comfort food… and actually, one of my absolute favorite foods of any kind… is chicken pot pie!!! LOVE!!!!

    Ummm… and I love Jon Bon Jovi, too 😉

  73. Home-made Lasagna – it’s meaty, tomatoe-y, carb-y, and cheesy. Plus you can make a huge tray of it, and it only gets better sitting in the fridge.

  74. Grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup!

  75. Lisa Carrington says

    comfort foods…soo many good ones out there.

    ice cream

  76. Lisa Carrington says

    PS, I like you on facebook 🙂

  77. My favorite comfort food is peanut butter and jelly. 🙂

  78. My favorite comfort food is mac and cheese.

  79. I liked you on facebook.

  80. So many to choose from – but I’d say the taylor ham, egg and cheese sandwich I had this morning (on a bagel, of course) hit the spot!

  81. Chili!

  82. comfort food to me is mac and cheese! Love my momma’s best 🙂

  83. I’d say my favorite comfort food has to be homemade soup! Any variety really, yummy, and warm, and filling, and always comforting to me!

  84. Definitely stuffing!

  85. I’m also a FB fan

  86. without a doubt, my comfort food is grilled cheese and chiken noodle soup. Thanks mom!

  87. Chicken and dumplings

  88. My favorite is shrimp…I don’t care how it’s cooked:)

  89. My favorite comfort food would be pasta – mainly macaroni and cheese, or any sort of pasta with a creamy, cheesy sauce. I could eat it every single day (if it wouldn’t go to my waist line!)

  90. My favorite is probably chicken and dumplings. Thank you for the very generous giveaway!

  91. I already follow you on facebook.
    (Sharon O.)

  92. Biscuits and gravy in Tennessee! 🙂

  93. Kelly Strei says

    Chips and cheese….,mmmmmmmm

  94. Ah I hope I win this !! Favorite comfort food is mac and cheese! Especially the kind from voodoo bbq !

    XO. Britt
    The Magnolia Pair


  95. Favorite comfort food has to be chicken pot pie…so delicious!

  96. Potatoes!

  97. Liked you on Facebook!

  98. My comfort food is mashed potatoes…yummy 🙂

  99. I liked you on Facebook

  100. Definitely Mac and cheese!

  101. my favorite comfort food is re-fried pinto beans and cheddar cheese all wrapped in a flour tortilla

  102. My favorite comfort food would have to be warm Chocolate chip cookies. Yum

  103. Favorite comfort food would have to be mashed potatoes!

  104. So I have a lot of comfort foods and it’s hard to just pick one. I have to say it would be my Father’s Homemade Hamburger Mac and cheese. He wasn’t a cook by any means and this is something he made so often I didn’t eat mac and cheese for along time. When he passed recently I started to remember how to make it and since then it has become my teenagers favorite thing to eat.


  105. I have liked you on facebook and follow you on twitter 🙂

  106. Definitely Mac & Cheese 🙂

  107. A super creamy mac and cheese.

  108. I like you on Facebook!

  109. Chicken and Dumplings!! Yum!

  110. There’s so many comfort foods to choose from, but I’ve to say that there
    s nothing like a good homemade, southern-styled mac and cheese!

  111. I also went and liked you on facebook; hope that you get better soon!

  112. Noodles….in just about any way possible. I’m a carb addict, for sure!

  113. Liking you on facebook!

  114. My favorite comfort food is probably hot homemade bread with honey butter on it.

  115. Home made mac and cheese with garlic cheese bread. Nothing says comfort like carbs!

  116. I like you on facebook.

  117. I like you on Facebook!

  118. My ultimate comfort food is my mom’s spaghetti. It is so good! I always walk away over stuffed!

  119. I like you on FB!

  120. Juli Jones says

    I’d have to say chicken and dumplings….my comfort food changes quite a bit 🙂

  121. Chocolate chip cookies for sure!!

  122. mac ‘n cheese!

  123. Selena Hopkins- Bonner says

    Ahh, comfort food! Growing up on a “farm” in Virginia, everything we ate came straight from the garden. During tomato harvesting time (late July early August) my mom would make me and my sister blanch what felt like millions of tomatoes and put them in jars to be canned. After we finished canning mom would always leave just enough stewed tomatoes out and make her famous sweet tomato-macaroni! THAT is comfort food to me!

  124. Selena Hopkins- Bonner says

    I liked you on FB!

  125. My favorite comfort food would have to be Mashed Potatoes.

  126. Already a devoted fan on facebook 🙂

  127. potato soup (with cheese and bacon)

  128. My most favorite comfort food is spaghetti, it just makes me feel happy and cozy, like everything is good in the world (or at least in my house).

  129. I ‘liked’ you on Facebook!

  130. I love macaroni and cheese!!!

  131. macaroni and cheese all the way!!!

  132. liked you on facebook…and in real life:)

  133. I am already a fan of yours on Facebook. Love your recipes and really enjoy your column. But my favorite comfort food is meat loaf. But I love it cooked with the ketchup on top, or sometimes I’ll add tomato juice at the end and thicken it to spoon over mashed potatoes. Either way, I always eat at least one meat loaf sandwich out of the batch.
    I wish you had a mailing list to send me recipes. As they come along. Anyway I’m gonna add you to my he page so I can check ya out whenever I want.

  134. My favorite comfort food is mac & cheese. Thanks for the giveaway!

  135. i liked you on facebook.

  136. My mom’s mac and cheese or fried chicken

  137. liked you on fb

  138. My favourite comfort food is mashed potatoes (the good kind, homemade with lots of butter).

  139. Homemade macaroni and cheese…yum!!!

  140. Facebook fan!

  141. My favorite comfort food might be ice cream!

  142. And I like you on Facebook!

  143. Ice cream!

  144. Macaroni and Cheese! Yum!

  145. I have to admit it is extremely hard to pick just one! For me it would probably be a warm casserole of some sort. When I am craving comfort food I usually want something warm and full of carbs! haha

  146. PS – of course I like you on Facebook!

  147. My favorite comfort food is strawberry ice cream. It just makes EVERYTHING better…at least for a few minutes. 😉

  148. home made pizza. i usually end up making it on Friday nights, but i find myself craving it (and how easy it is!) during the week…

  149. i already like you on facebook 🙂

  150. my fav comfort food is a plate of wonderful chinese food, just makes life a bit better somehow!

  151. Hello! New fan here! I love how your page looks. Great job!!

  152. Just “Liked” you on Facebook too! 🙂

  153. Lori Newman says

    Chocolate Chip Cookies!!! Are you surprised??

  154. Lori Newman says

    I like you on FB as well 🙂 Oh, and have you seen my cruise pics on FB? I totally felt like you taking all my food pictures!!

  155. Megan Hollenbaugh says

    Very cheesy potato soup!! and a good movie.

  156. Mac and cheese!!

  157. I just liked you on fbook.

  158. My favorite comfort food is a toss up between macaroni and cheese and pizza.

  159. I like you on facebook!

  160. My favorite comfort food is definitely macaroni and cheese! 🙂

  161. And I like you on Facebook! 🙂

  162. My favorite comfort comfort food is a toss up between mashed potatoes and PIZZA! Yum!

  163. Stephanie Lee says

    My favorite comfort food is chicken and dumplings. They always warm a heart

  164. Stephanie Lee says

    I am a Facebook fan.

  165. My comfort food is homemade bread and sugar cookies!

  166. I am already a FB fan 🙂

  167. Michelle V says

    My favorite comfort food by far is macaroni and cheese!!

  168. Michelle V says

    I am already a fan on facebook. 🙂

  169. Whitney Docken says

    My favorite comfort food is maybe lasagna? or chicken dumpling soup? I’ve been a Facebook fan for awhile now too! Love your website! Your Bourbon Chicken has been re-pinned on Pinterest many times. 🙂

    God bless!

  170. My favourite comfort food is hot buttered toast…or macaroni cheese.

    I’m a fan on Facebook – Jemma Hodgson

  171. Whitney Docken says

    Oops, I guess the Facebook fan portion is supposed to be a separate entry! I’m a Facebook fan already!


  172. I am already a Facebook fan

  173. My favorite comfort food is anything Italian!

  174. Karen Blair says

    I’m a fan on facebook.

  175. Karen Blair says

    My favorite comfort food is homemade chicken soup.

  176. My favorite comfort food is Pasta !! Any kind really……just a delicious tasty dish of pasta, even if it’s just with butter and cheese ! The texture and flavors are always comforting. Rice and beans with a fried egg on top could really do it for me as well.
    If I’m not feeling well, I make a pot of my ” Feel Good Soup ! It’s vegetable or chicken broth , I add ditalini pasta, parsley ( if I have it ) and when it’s just about done I break an egg and let it cook till it looks hard………it is heaven ! So good and satisfying ,it lifts me back up from whatever is ailing me !

    I LIKED you on FB

  177. Vicki Royal says

    My favorite comfort food is homemade chocolate chip cookies and milk!

  178. Vicki Royal says

    I’m already a facebook fan 🙂

  179. My favorite comfort food is homemade Mac and Cheese with ham in it. I have been searching for the perfect recipe for years and recently came across it while I was 9 months pregnant with my first daughter in November. Since then I’ve made it at least 3 times and have frozen a batch so I can pull a piece out when I need that pick me up

  180. Oh. I am so a Facebook fan!

  181. My favorite comfort food at least one of them would be homemade french toast with a little sugar on them. M Aunt used to make them for me when we would come and visit for holidays and it brings back a lot of good memories!

  182. sorry I left the wrong email address….it’s changed here.

  183. I love beef stroganoff. Mom’s is pure comfort food

  184. I also liked you on facebook a while back. Love your blog!

  185. I love chicken pot pie. It is so great on a cold night!

  186. I am a facebook fan!

  187. Favorite comfort food would be pancakes with huckleberries… the smell reminds me of growing up.

  188. My favorite food is macaroni and cheese. I love trying it new ways. I also love anything with strawberries. I also already like your facebook page.

  189. FB fan

  190. Mac and Cheese is my favorite comfort food!

  191. I am also a FB fan 🙂

  192. Warm chocolate chips cookies!

  193. I’m a FB fan!

  194. My favorite comfort food is chicken pot pie.:)

  195. Christie C says

    My favorite comfort food is mashed potatoes!

  196. Christie C says

    I also like you on FB 🙂

  197. My favorite comfort food is something we call Party Potatoes….diced potatoes, lots of cheese, sour cream and cornflakes. Yummmm.

  198. My comfort food is ice cream.

  199. Nicole Schafer says

    Sweets are definitely my comfort food, I have begun making some of yours from your best of 2011 blog! So far the smores are a hit! Thanks!

  200. Nicole Schafer says

    I am already a fan on Facebook: )