Merry Christmas Fun!

Hope everyone has an amazing Christmas full of fun, family, and lots of laughs! Do you have big plans for the holidays? We stay around here and celebrate with Adam’s family Christmas Eve and my mom & step-dad on Christmas day.  We went to Kentucky last weekend with my Dad & Step-mom to celebrate so Christmas has already begun for us!:) I thought it would be fun to do this fun Christmas survey I saw on Peanut Butter Fingers to kick off the holiday weekend. I’d love to hear some of your answers too! Pick your favorite question & answer in the comments. Merry Christmas!

25 Questions: Holiday Style

Eggnog or hot chocolate?
Hot chocolate! With marshmallows & no whipped cream!

Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree?
He does NOT wrap! Adam & I have an ongoing “discussion” about this.  I say Santa sets up the presents ready for you to play right away (yes that means assembled & batteries installed!) and Adam says Santa always wraps.  We each reference Christmas movies that prove both our points-haha!

Colored lights on tree/house or white?
Love colored lights! They are so fun.  White is pretty too, but my preference is colored

Do you hang mistletoe?
No, not really a fan.

When do you hang your decorations up?
Either the week of Thanksgiving or the first week of December.

What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)?
My mom’s Christmas pull apart bread! It’s like bread candy!

Favorite holiday memory as a child?
Once Christmas I remember seeing Santa’s soot footprint and hearing the reindeer & jingle bells on the roof! So magical!

What is on your Christmas wish list?
I would love an I-Pad 2, but I’ll keep dreaming so I really want some Toms & a digital baking scale

Do you open gifts on Christmas Eve?
Growing up we opened one present on Christmas eve and   itwas Christmas pajamas. Now we get to open with Adam’s family on Christmas Eve so that’s fun!

How do you decorate your Christmas tree?
We just got a new tree this year! White lights and ornaments from places we’ve been and I also have several baking/cooking ornaments.

Snow? Love it or dread it?
I absolutely love snow! Love to go sledding and come in and drink hot cocoa and eat soup and play games since you can’t go anywhere.

Real tree or fake tree?
Both. Fake trees are much easier to maintain but real trees are gorgeous.

Do you remember your favorite gift?
In college I got a super nice Colombia jacket and I was totally shocked.  I wore it the entire day…yes I was inside the entire time!:)

What’s the most important thing about Christmas for you?
Family, Friends, and Food!:)

What is your favorite holiday dessert?
Love White Christmas Trail Mix and Homemade Hot Chocolate

What is your favorite tradition?
The night before Christmas Eve, Adam & I pack to-go hot chocolates and take Hershey and drive around and look at Christmas Lights and then we go to a movie on Christmas Eve & eat popcorn for lunch!:)

What tops your tree?
A Bow

Do you prefer giving or receiving?
I love seeing everyone’s reactions when they open their presents, so I’d say giving. I love trying to pick out a gift I know the person will really love.

What is your favorite Christmas song?
Sleigh Ride

Candy canes, yuck or yum?
Take them or leave them

Favorite Christmas movie?
Elf, Christmas with the Kranks, & White Christmas (can’t pick just one!)

What do you leave for Santa?
Cookies/Candy & Milk

Do you have a Christmas morning tradition?
Open our stockings first and then we have breakfast and sing Happy Birthday to Jesus.

Do you prefer to shop on-line or at the mall?
I like to go to the mall. I like to hold the item in my hands and make sure it will fit or is the right style.

Christmas letter or Christmas card?
Photo Christmas Cards all the way!


  1. Fun reading about you Christmas Favorites!! When it’s cold, I enjoy hot chocolate!!! I love the multicolor lights and I do LOVE snow!!!! We always make what we call Plucketh cake at Chistmas… Probably like yours… Soooo yummy! We don’t wrap Santa presents :). So fun just to wake up and see it there! I am so excited for Christmas this year because Ava is soooo excited and it is Andrew’s first :). Merry Christmas to you!!! I love your plate… It turned out great!!!

    • Macaroni and Cheesecake says

      So fun to hear all about your Christmas favorites & traditions!! Hope you all have a Merry Christmas!! So glad to have someone on my side about Santa not wrapping!:)

  2. I love this survey idea; soo cute! 🙂 I’m going to answer and put it on my blog, too.